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Christian Patriot News

Campaign created by Christian Patriot News

Campaign funds will be received by Christian Patriot News

Christian Patriot News

I work 10 to 12 hours daily researching, recording, editing, uploading and marketing. This is both my full-time work, and infinitely more important, it is God's ministry. I am His mouthpiece. I share political commentary, current events and news stories from a Christian, Biblical perspective. And I preach Salvation through faith in The Lord Jesus Christ. Please support my work and ministry. Thank you in advance for your incredible generosity! I pray for all of my listeners and supporters daily. May God bless you!
Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
4 days ago

Thanks for all you do to keep us informed

Travis Stephens
5 days ago

Mike Noelle
9 days ago

Thank you & God Bless You !

Anonymous Giver
11 days ago

Given Saturday events in Butler PA I thought you might need something.

17 days ago

Your show is great I wish I could donate more.

James Thompson
1 month ago

1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

Cheers to great shows you put together!

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

Colossians 1:9-11

1 month ago

God bless you and your family.

Mardi Davis
1 month ago

God bless you for all your time, effort Ames love for the USA.

Anonymous Giver
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
2 months ago

2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
2 months ago

keep giving the truth

Christ Follower
3 months ago

Christian Patriot News and his family deserve many blessings as he works hard to put forth the truth in this fight against Satan. We know God wins and its people like Christian Patriot News who can help lead the way. We must have faith in Yeshua and give him all the credit and thank people who are willing to incorporate his word as Christian Patriot News does. God bless you!

Anonymous Giver
3 months ago

I look forward to your posts! I wonder what’s up when you haven’t posted for a while. I don’t have time to do the digging you do and I trust that you are sharing the most important information you have found and in such an easy to follow format. As a Holy Spirit filled believer, your posts ring true. Following you, Christian, has made this grueling time of waiting more bearable. Please continue.

ChristianChats Solemateleft
3 months ago

ChristianPatriotNews, long time listener, fan and Christian Patriot Truther! I listen to a lot of your and other Patriot Truther podcasts and re-post/blog on an International Christian Chat forum ( over the past several years... Greatly appreciate your work, semper fi, Bill


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