The Change My Mind Book


 SEK KR10,000



Campaign created by Elisabeth Kitzing

Campaign funds will be received by Elisabeth Kitzing

The Change My Mind Book

The Change My Mind Project: Part 2 -  The Book 

The Project

The Change My Mind project is in two-parts: a full length album with 12 original songs, (2020) and a book about my journey from stress to rest through God's unconditional love and using power verses, (to be released in 2025).I have been releasing singles since then and writing the second part of the project - the Change My Mind book. I am in the final stages of preparing the first draft for the editor. (in 2024) And I am already being invited internationally to talk about it.

Thanks for making it possible for me to go forward with the work ahead: editing, publishing, printing and the promotion - all of which are necessary in order to reach as many souls as possible with a powerful story about how God heals us through Scripture. Links to all my music and more:

Donate and get a free devotional based on the book

Get to Know Me

I'm a full-time Christian songwriter, music producer, artist and a writer trying to help this shaking, stressful world hear about the One who can satisfy their souls and who repairs broken dreams. I do this through music, videos, livestreams and writing. I was born in the U.S.A. and live in Sweden - I speak and sing in English and Swedish fluently. This campaign is for the English version of the Change My Mind book.

Born into a dysfunctional family, my soul was in shambles when I finally met Jesus at the age of ten. Since then, God has taken me on a journey of healing and brought me back to my calling - making music and writing - a dream that I thought was dead. Healing happened along the way through power verses - Bible verses that destroyed the lies that were keeping me bound in depression, anxiety, rejection and many other negative thought patterns. Through meditation on and application of power verses, God slowly replaced my old lies with His truth and I felt increasingly lighter, happier and free. Click on the link to find my music, videos and more!

Part 2: The Change My Mind Book

The Change My Mind book is an autobiography and a powerful devotional tool, helping the reader apply fundamental truths from the Bible to their lives. We often speak about the 18 " between our head and our hearts, well, many Christians have a hard time feeling the love of God, even when they believe it. With the examples in the Change My Mind book I hope to help the readers align their thoughts with the way God sees things and stop living in the lies of the past. Topics such as seeing God as a father/Good Shepherd, forgiveness, and more, are discussed in each chapter in the form of a story - one chapter for each song on the album.

My hope is that those who read the Change My Mind Book will find it helpful - healing from childhood trauma, bullying, and abuse; renewed mindset and peace of mind. It will also be an encouragement for those who think they've "blown it" and missed their calling. (I thought that my dream of making music was ruined by my life choices! But God got me back on track again.) In this book they can hear a story of God's grace that can help inspire them to get back on track into their calling and find not just peace of mind but fulfilment.


When this campaign went live in February of 2024, I had written over 90k words! Now I am working through it one last time before it is given to my editor for a first review. There will be three reviews (structural, grammar, setting), by the editor before launch and the donations provided by this campaign will cover the cost of all three.

The structure of the book

Each chapter follows the same structure. Each one is based on a song from the Change My Mind album and starts with the main quote of the song and the key power verse for that chapter. Each chapter is a step along my journey from stress to rest through Gods Word and unconditional love.

The Book contains at least 3 parts divided into sections

Part 1: The Backdrop

1:1-1:5 Explaining my life up until a wake up call. Includes my dysfunctional family background: how and when I accepted Christ; and why how I (temporarily) missed my calling.

Part 2: My Journey From Stress to Rest

Chapters about how I traveled from stress to rest using scripture.(Each chapter is based on a song from the Change My Mind album)

Part 3: How I learned to Stay in the peaceful mindset that God provides. (Each chapter is based on a song from the Change My Mind album) Chapters about how to remain in God's peace (Each chapter is based on a song from the Change My Mind album)

Here follows a rough outline of the structure of each chapter:

1.  A quote from the song/a scripture that sums up the chapter's main ideas

2. My Story: from where I was in the previous chapter to the next "stop" along my journey.

3. The lie exposed: How a verse(s) I read exposed a fundamental lie about my situation, my world view, attitudes etc. And how I meditated on it and changed my mind about God, others, myself.

4. And how meditating on and applying these verses began to change my life for the better

5. A cliffhanger at point B leading to the next chapter

6. The lyrics of the song in reference from the album

7. Go Deeper section with questions to ponder

8. A list of power verses to meditate on, memorise and apply.

9.. Links to Go Deeper section

In Psalm 23 we read that the Lord is our Shepherd and we will lack no good thing. Peace of mind, whole relationships and getting back into my calling after believing that I had ruined all my chances to do music were apparently included in God's graceful plan for me. Using power verses, God changed my mind about Him, about me and about others in a powerful way! He took me on a journey from stress to rest as I meditated on specific verses in the Bible. This changing experience is worth sharing with the world and I need your support to make it a reality.

I could just write it as an ebook and be done with it, but there is something about having a book in your hands and being able to underline and write notes that an ebook just can't fill. As a full-time songwriter, mother and grandma I can't do this alone.

Thanks for donating, praying and encouraging this project! God bless!

LINKS: You can find my music, which is on all major platforms by clicking on this link to my homepage where the links to Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora etc are listed. You can also use the link: to find all my music etc.

Drop me an email if you have any questions about the project or are a publisher who would like to publish this book. Just click on this email link: I am looking forward to hearing from you and will answer asap.

You can subscribe to my music page here: Facebook Music Page

You can follow me on YouTube here: My YouTube Channel Don't forget to hit the bell as well!

Or click on: Instagram where I post music news, power verses and more.

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Update #2

April 3rd, 2024

1. I just loaded up the YouTube video for the campaign that you see on the top of this campaign. I think it gives a quick intro into what I am doing so that people don't have to read the whole description. 👍😃👍

2. I am still finishing up the devotional ebook but it should be ready by sometime next week. It's looking great and it's the gift I am going to give you for being a sponsor. Thanks again!

Here's my link to all my music.

God bless!

Update Update #2 Image
Update #1: Part 1, "The Backdrop" Completed! YAY!

March 20th, 2024

I'm  happy to say that I am completely done with the first section of the Change My Mind book and it is called "The Backdrop". It is a prelude to the Change My Mind chapters where God leads me to peace of mind. First I needed to explain how I missed my calling and experienced increasing amounts of stress. Part 1, The Backdrop, covers:

  • - Born into a dysfunctional home with an alcoholic father and a physically sick mom.
  • - Abused, bullied in school & by neighbours - no hope. Bad self image.
  • - How Jesus came into my family when I was 10 years old and hope was ignighted.
  • - The "honeymoon years", the Jesus Movement in the 70's, good grades, sucess and a home church that was amazing - God was really moving!
  • - The "Honeymoon was over" how trials and persecution came and I chickened out on my calling.
  • This caused me to choose the wrong course of study at college and I wastes 5 1/2 years becoming something I didn't like to try to prove my worth.
  • How did I get there?

Part two explains how God started bringing me to Scripture, power verses, and led me on a journey from stress to rest. More about that later! I am done with the first draft of Chapter 1 out of 12 and working focused on the rest.

Thanks for following me here. to listen to my music, get updates and more.


Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • Please pray for me to be led by the Holy Spirit as I write the Change My Mind book and begin to record the Abide album
  • Please pray for opportunities to preach in Denmark and Sweden. I am starting to get invitations to speak about the book!

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