Monthly Goal:
USD $1,000
Total Raised:
USD $6,767
Raised this month:
USD $25
Campaign funds will be received by Philip Jacobs
Mr & Mrs Catfish Jankins are Pro-White Activists, educating the state of Georgia about the jewish mafia that has high jacked this country. We spread our message of WHITE HOPE by means of flyer drops, hand to hand pamphlets, flyer creation, online media creation , editing activism videos, banner drops, and peaceful non-violent protesting. We have personally distributed over 100,000 flyers in 4 states, focusing on our home state of Georgia. The cost of printing and distributing flyers (printers, paper, ink, baggies, dried corn, gasoline and wear and tear on vehicle) is high, and we ask that you please support us in any way you can. Thank you so much and God Bless. 1488
"This is where it ends" Bailey Zimmerman WFP!! YAHHHHHHH!!!
O// "Hey White Brother" RWDS
No More Brother Wars! "Heresy" Mushroomhead
LFGOOOOOO!!! "Where it Ends" Bailey Zimmerman
Stay strong always
WOOOOOOO!!!! "Salute Like a Nazi" Mr. Bond
LFGOOO! "Wait in the Truck" Hardy
Thank you for all that you do
Final dono for CPAP
saw you on AFP; live in Georgia, Philip & Hilary please provide e-mail for best way to communicate with you
Catch Me Naming - Flood WFP! O//
Ash - Judenhass WFP! O// WOOOOOOO!
The First Amendment has no exceptions.
Wishing you a speedy reversal of the injustice being done to you
Judenhass - "Ash " LFGO! O//
Mushroom Head "Heresy" - (We ARE the War Machine) O//
Outro- Catfish (with or without the "crown") "Kick That Off The Plane!"
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