Partner With the Caughey’s Vision

Monthly Goal:

 USD $900

Total Raised:

 USD $955

Raised this month:

 USD $0

Campaign created by Dylan & Gabriella Caughey

Campaign funds will be received by Gabriella Caughey

Partner With the Caughey’s Vision

Two Missions Become One in God.

Two individual lives underwent a radical transformation that can only be explained as supernatural. Meet Dylan & Gabriella Caughey, two young adults who have been marked by the Gospel & desire to create time to pursue it. 

Dylan, 24 years old, once existed for the sake of survival. He never could foresee moving past a life of simply managing. He didn't have hope for an Earthly purpose for himself but believed he was to plainly get by. Isolation was his comfort until the Lord met Him in brokenness. Upon hearing the Good News of the Kingdom his heart was pricked with the belief that his life was destined for much more than he could imagine. 

Gabriella, 22 years old, once believed that her Christian life wouldn't result in authentic encounters from the Creator. Though raised in a church, she didn't encounter a personal relationship with the Lord, didn’t view herself as worthy to be loved by Him, & didn't know the transformation of brokenness to wholeness was every believer's promise. Upon hearing the Good News of redemption and change, her heart was pierced to grow true faith. 

Two individual lives marked by the Gospel became one on 11/11/22. On this day, the two vowed to run this race together for God's Kingdom and purpose.

FAST FORWARD: Throughout the past few years of pursuing the Lord, we have walked through various seasons! Prior to marriage, for  two years each of us separately traveled tremendously as full-time missionaries. It was a blast! We relied on the Lord to prosper our ways as a full-time job wasn't an option considering our busy travels and missions that needed flexibility. In this current season we have become parents of a beautiful baby girl and we feel as of now our calling looks different! We still LOVE to travel however, last year the Lord led us to root in North Carolina to be connected with believers in the community. Reaching those outside of the church remains very crucial to us and for this reason, we devote hours to online ministry through video content & connection.  

**With change coming our way (settling in NC), we strongly believe that the Lord is able to financially make a way as we seek first His Kingdom. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33. Dylan recently started a new warehouse/delivery job to provide us a place of our own. We are looking for homes but are needing more financially. This is very new for us and we are asking for grace as we embark this new season. Our vision as a married couple & family is to cultivate a life as young disciples sharing the Gospel and teaching the ways of Jesus to the younger generations. We desire to see the corruption of this age be destroyed by the light of Jesus. We're not striving and will never strive to make a name for ourselves, to have an abundance of riches, or even acquire the "American Dream." We simply just need a resting place for our family. One that brings more ease to create online Christian content as that’s been a challenge recently, more space to love & pour into our daughter, and a door to open to host and disciple others! 

To reach this goal, we need help in order for us to dedicate more time to content creation, ministry opportunities, and resources to start up a business that allows for less work hours but more time & finances! Dylan’s current job is a door but we don’t feel it is long term! It is an outlook while we work to get a home and work to plan & create a business that is stable. More details coming!  

We believe our life (and yours) has been marked for more than the mundane of simply existing. We don't want the American dream, give us Jesus!

We would like to invite you to partner with our vision. To partner with us isn't a way for us to brush off our practical needs but rather sow more into the call of what Jesus is leading for our lives. There is only so much time in a day, life is but a vapor. With your financial partnership, more time & dedication can be put into our ministry of creating content, connecting with believers, & creating a sustaining business. We ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with our vision. Supporting us with a one-time gift or opting to support us monthly would be a Heavenly blessing. Thank you for taking the time to read as well as pray into this. May the Lord bless each of you abundantly. 

If you want to check out our socials, here are the links below:

Our Youtube:

Gabriella's Instagram:

Gabriella's Tiktok:

Dylan's Tiktok:

Recent Donations
Jose and Isabella Yepez
$ 500.00 USD
9 months ago

Your lives, faith and ministry is beautiful. It’s amazing to see our generation glorifying our Lord. We’re a young newly married couple expecting a baby girl like you guys have and we feel blessed to sow into your lives. We will be praying for you three. His word is a lamp unto your feet! If you guys ever come to Seattle we would love to have you guys over and meet you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 315.00 USD
9 months ago

Yahweh, Jesus & The Holy Spirit love you ❤️ Give them the glory, praise & thanksgiving for everything ❤️ Congratulations, & welcome to the family of Christ Lydia ❤️ Love you all so much, keep safe, praying for you all 🙏🏼 Deuteronmy 31:8 - It is the Lord who goes before. He will be with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. 💜

Disciple Of Jesus
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago


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  • To love the Lord with all of our heart, mind, & soul
  • To continually be unified in our marriage
  • To share the light of Jesus to lost generations
  • To raise our daughter up in the way she should go
  • To store up our treasures in the Kingdom and not on this Earth

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