USD $50,000
USD $12,605
Campaign funds will be received by The Barn Brothers
Recently we heard those dreaded words > "We're from the government ... and we're here to help you!"
...and the folks from the county kicked us out of the Barn we own (and we know they are just doing their job!)
Twenty years ago, the late, great Kevin Canser and a handful of men (which quickly turned into a growing band of brothers from 20+ churches) began gathering EVERY Tuesday night - 52 weeks a year - in Bob Blake's BARN just south of Charlotte, North Carolina. This gathering of men turned into a Spirit-led, Christ-centered redemptive community that has transformed lives, saved marriages, restored relationships and ignited a brotherhood determined to build and encourage God's Kingdom across the country and around the world - one man's heart at a time.
After renting the Barn for many years, miraculously, the "Barn Brothers" were able to buy The Barn plus 3 acres in 2020 after other buyers backed out at the last minute ... on two separate occasions (providence, you ask?).
In early 2022, officials from the county government stopped by to inform us that since our small 501C3 ministry now OWNED The Barn, we had all sorts of zoning and building "issues" with which we needed to comply.
NOW we have been kicked out of The Barn we own while architects and enginners finalize plans to satisfy the state and local guidelines. We know the folks at the county have a job to do...but...we need some help!
More of the back story.
It all started after one man, Charlotte-born Kevin Casner - who lost a long battle with cancer in 2022 - read a book in 2005 called Wild at Heart. Kevin came to the conclusion he had been "playing church" ...and realized there was so much more....a larger story God might be calling him up into.
Kevin began his journey by inviting a few friends to watch the Wild at Heart video series over the course of about 10 weeks in his brother-in-law's barn.
As weeks and months of gatherings have turned into years, we have been blessed to see the fellowship grow as the weekly encouragement at The Barn becomes a catalyst for restoring marriages, setting men free from addiction, and assisting local churches in their mission for the hearts of men.
A team of Barn Brothers recently returned from our 9th trip to the Czech Republic and Slovakia where we have held four-day conferences to encourage the men of Europe. One of our Barn Bros - Dennis Jahn - has lead the charge for many years reaching the hearts of men incarcerated in a local prison. Numerous churches, men's groups and ministries have used our facility...for any donation...or for free. And last year, we planted a massive garden ... so we can give food away!
When we return to The Barn, it is on our heart to continue expanding the use of the property - reaching and serving the community ... and beyond. We are currently talking with Young Life - a great outreach ministry to high schoolers - about hosting their weekly meetings at The Barn - again, at no cost to their organization.
We have several men that have a heart to reach veterans. There is a group in our area ministering to young boys with no dads at home..We have talked with the local sheriff about the Barn Bros providing a place of encouragement and spiritual growth for his deputies as well as other first responders. Frankly, we have just begun to dream about what the Lord would have us to do.
We believe it is God who keeps growing our vision. The Barn is a physical place but yet it feels like a holy place "set apart" for advancing His Kingdom. We are currently raising money to pay architects/engineers and building contractors as "Phase 1" in the ultimate renovation of The Barn. We will do a lot of the work ourselves. This funding will allow us to comply with the county requirements and get back into The Barn.
Ultimately we will be raising additional funds to turn the downstairs horse stall section (it really is a barn!) into a large 2500 square foot open meeting area as well as retiring our mortgage so we can be debt free.
We would be honored by your prayers for God's wisdom, grace and courage as we press onward in our mission. We would also be grateful for all who are able to provide any amount towards the $50,000 we are hoping to raise for our Phase 1 project. All gifts are tax deductible.
-From the Barn Brothers - continuing to meet in exile up the road at Chuck Tyndall's Furniture Gallery...we thank you for praying for us and for any support you feel led to invest in this mission.
P.S. We continue to learn through experience what works and what doesn't work in ministry to the hearts of men ... both inside and outside the walls of the church. We believe it is a critical time in our nation for MEN to stand up and speak the truth in love. We would be honored - even if you don't have a dime to donate to our mission - to connect with you and hopefully be a resource and encouragement to reach the men in your community. Give us a shout at barnbrothers2005@gmail.com with your men's ministry goals and mission - we would love to collaborate and to share with you how we believe The Barn has become a Christ-centered slice of the Kingdom and how you might create the same in your community.
What some of our friends have to say :
"Having partnered with The Barn and the brotherhood of men that beckon its walls for the past decade, I can truly say without reservation, there is not a more impactful ongoing event for the hearts of men in this country than Tuesday nights at The Barn." - Michael Thompson, founder of Zoweh Men’s Ministry and author of “The Heart of A Warrior”
"Just south of Charlotte, North Carolina, The Barn is an unusual, visionary, biblically-based gathering of men. And, they actually meet in a barn — a place where men can share their hearts in transparency, fellowship in Jesus, and serve their Lord, their families, their businesses, and others faithfully in the name of Jesus. As I have traveled throughout our nation, this is the only ministry of its type that I have seen east of the Mississippi River. - Tom Phillips, Vice President – Billy Graham Evangelical Association
"I want to say thank you on behalf of any daughter (or son) who has not lost their father, because of the ministry of The Barn. I want to say thank you for 'fighting the good fight for the hearts of men' so that other girls don't have to question whether or not they have one Christian man in their lives. I lost the man who was supposed to safeguard my heart and protect me until I decided to give it to my future husband. We lost the fight for the heart of my dad. Losing the battle for the heart of a man leads to dangerous scarring on him, and his family, which will influence generations. I want to encourage you because I know that The Barn has, is and will, change the lives of more than just the men who attend." - email from a college freshman whose father never made it to The Barn
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”
Match me or loose me forever - God Bless
The Barn is such a blessing in my life
Keep the faith
If the Lord builds the house!
Standing arm in arm with our Barn Brothers! Godspeed as you move forward!
Love and praying for my band of brothers
Thank you for what you do for men.
Thanks for all you do.
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