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Seed Fund to Start up Self Defense Instruction


 USD $5,000


 USD $130

Campaign created by Gary Griffes

Campaign funds will be received by Gary Griffes

Seed Fund to Start up Self Defense Instruction

Ever since the lockdowns of the year 2020 things have been very chaotic, uncertain, and unruly in our present day lives. Many innocent people everyday get mugged, robbed, assaulted, and sometimes murdered for reasons that logical people can't comprehend. Every day on the news I hear about these events that happen. The reasons for these events are endless. Some are racially motivated. Some are politically motivated. Some even don't have a motivation. The common denominator is that an innocent person always falls victim.

I say that "enough is enough." I say that that in order to turn the tides on this wave of crime and violence that instead of being potential victims, we should turn into adversaries in the minds of our assailants.

That is why I wish to start up an firearms instructor LLC called Adversarius Defensive Skills. The bulk of my training would be for those that wish to get their CPL certificates to get a CPL license. I am passionate about the 2A culture and want to make sure that my students will have the knowledge and tools to successfully defend themselves against their assailants.

I was in the US Army National Guard from 2007 to 2013 as a Cannon Crewmember. I had one deployment in the Middle East as a convoy security driver. After my time in the military I was a part of the security sector for nearly eight years. Currently I am working as a driver for a medical company and will be doing this as a side gig but eventually want to do this full time. The majority of my classes will be in the Kent County and the surrounding counties of the West Michigan area.

Recent Donations
Dale Mortensen
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

$ 40.00 USD
7 months ago

$ 40.00 USD
7 months ago


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