Stop ATF Abuse Operation Silent Night is Unlawful


 USD $25,000


 USD $630

Campaign created by Isabel Schieferle

Campaign funds will be received by Isabel Schieferle

Stop ATF Abuse Operation Silent Night is Unlawful

Edit May 2023: 
This is so wrong. David did nothing illegal. 
He bought $3.15 inline filters from an auto parts seller on (see photo.) They were advertised (see photos) to him because he had previously made almost 2 dozen other purchases at AliExpress of compressors, oil/water separator tubes and cotton filter inserts.  
This was not even a firearm related purchase!  
He bought the solvent tubes on his government issued phone with his farm expense credit card.  There was nothing deceptive.  His work phone number and our farm address were on the packages.
He even wrote on the box of one, received from New Jersey (not China,) "Solvent Tube" and set it unopened on the table with other unopened oil/water separator tubes and compressors from AliExpress.  

The government continuously used pictures of our legal guns (most that had been packed away, still new in the box and unused) throughout the trial and showed the gun pictures with multiple angles of each gun, until the judge made them stop. 

During much of the trial the government displayed a picture of all his legal firearms including AIRGUNS and BB guns staged menacingly on our bed on a court projector screen.  They alternated it with pictures from our computer's temporary internet caches from www.Gun.Deals and some gun related Facebook pages.  The government showed some pictures from the many 10,000's thumbnail photos in our internet caches.  David did not interact in any way with the photos!  He never downloaded, searched for, commented, liked or posted - The pictures were just as likely preloaded for internet browsing without even being viewed! 

How on earth is a picture by someone you don't know, that was posted on the internet and your computer preloads for faster viewing in case you scroll to it, something to PROVE anyone's intent?

David did not get to present one piece of evidence at the trial.  His defense lawyer had dozens of AliExpress screenshots of many of David's previous oil/water separator tube, filter material and compressor purchases.  Without David's evidence the government was able to insinuate that those previous purchases were potentially illegal because HSI seems to consider anything shipped through "an address known to law enforcement for illegal shipping."

Here is how the Government presented their case: 
David had downloaded 1,000's of free books on hard drives from over the years. The government searched David's hard drives and found a couple books with something about a silencer.  One book that really impressed the jury to the government's narrative was titled, 'The Poor Man's James Bond' Vol 3 which has a variety of a hundred or so old, reprinted magazine articles.  They put a picture up of the title of one article in the antiquated book, titled something like, "How to assemble a silencer."  They then tell the jury to look at what David is interested in!  The government didn't acknowledge, that same as every other free book on our hard drives, that book had never been read or accessed!

David's expert witness, who had written the ATF's original silencer policy, was not even allowed to tell the jury of that fact, nor many of his former ATF credentials.  That expert and David's lawyer were not allowed to show the ATF's own bulletins that inform federal agents of the many inline filters and solvent traps that, though they might resemble a silencer, have legitimate uses and are not illegal.  

David insists on telling the truth and exposing what ATF and HSI are doing to criminalize law abiding people.
We had to borrow money for the trial and now have the appeal costs while David unable to manage the farm. 

We hope to unite all honest citizens that have been victimized by ATF & HSI Operation Silent Night, as well as those unknown 10,000's of law-abiding citizens who purchased legal solvent tubes and had them illegally seized by CBP.

The government is strong-arming citizens into mitigation deals with the threat of excessive years in prison, losing voting and firearms rights.  

We are not backing down and they are now making an example of what can happen to David. 

I hope to show all the unjust actions in this trial in a future update.  

Until we get a webpage up to stop ATF abuse with Operation Silent Night, please send any useful information or suggestions to

If you are a victim or know other innocent victims of Operation Silent Night please contact us to share information:
Recent Donations
Donna Dozier
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Sorry I am just learning of the issue. The whole world family is under attack. Not just the American family. Hope this little bit helps. God Bless you and your family what is left of America

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 years ago

All ATF is unameircan

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 years ago

$ 100.00 USD
2 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 years ago

$ 25.00 USD
2 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 years ago

Texas for freedom
$ 25.00 USD
2 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 years ago

At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst. Aristotle

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 years ago

Keep these crooked agencies to the written law.


Update #4 - Hearing for motion to suppress at end of September

September 12th, 2022

David was finally able to get his lawyer to understand he was not taking any "deal or non prosecution agreement' no matter good and to file his motion to suppress the unjust search warrant. 

His lawyer says it's not worth the risk and we don't know what evidence the judge will let us present and something about the judge making judicial notice of issues could complicate his defense.  Oh plus it will cost around another $50,000 to go to trial with additional firearms attorney co-defense and expert witnesses and only then is the prosecutor likely to "dismiss" the case when David finally turns down his last offer to make a deal right before trial. 

These ATF secret regulations are not about truth or justice, but whose attorney will outsmart other the other attorney and the judge just plays referee so the attorneys play by complicated rules normal people can't understand and then everyday people get intimidated or scared of extreme penalties too make questionable deals with prosecutors they don't fully understand.

The judge denied David's Brady Demand for all ATF communications, bulletins, etc. on inline filters, solvent filters, silencers and suppressors.  However the judge did make AUSA give us public released information from ATF/CBP on those items and all the AUSA gave us was an article from May 13 2022 and a seized website: 

CBP and ATF conduct a search and provide the following:


“any information released to the public/public announcements providing instruction or commentary from December 2017 through December 2020 regarding:  (1) solvent traps and whether they may be considered firearms under the NFA; (2) modification of solvent traps and at what point such modification makes a solvent trap a silencer under the NFA, (3) any public guidance CBP provided on the issue of solvent traps and their potential illegality or legality.  This would include, but is not limited to, web postings, letters to the public, public service announcements, and paper bulletins sent to firearms dealers or the general public.”   


ATF replied with the following:


Per ATF, no other responsive documents were found aside from the website below,


Seized Website | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (


CBP replied with the following:


Per CBP, the only public facing information that the client was aware of concerning the solvent traps is this news report, although this was not published or issued by CBP,

Federal operation nabs nearly 43,000 illegal gun silencers shipped from China (

AUSA own Brady Demand response now acknowledges it's not reasonable for a person to know the legality of these: 
"ATF has expertise with firearms far beyond an objectively reasonable person, so any internal technical memorandum explaining the nature of solvent traps and analyzing their component parts to conclude whether it is a silencer as a matter of law is irrelevant to what a reasonable person would believe the statute proscribes. The essential question is the Defendant’s intent, which internal technical documents would not address." 

Anyway David thought he was going to get a "Franks Hearing" to prove ATF and HSI lied on search warrant but his lawyer says judge just want a motion to suppress hearing.  It looks really hopeful as the AUSA in his own Brady Response stated that inline filters/solvent filters are not inherently illegal unless you have intent to use them in illegal manner!  Which of course David had no illegal intent and no intent was even discussed in the search warrant application.  

Hopefully David's judge see his evidence and rules the search warrant application similar to the NY silencer case:
“The choice of words used by the police in the application were persuasive and wrong,” Justice Christopher J. Burns wrote in his Jan. 14 decision. “As a result, this court must find there was a reckless disregard for the true nature of the item and must suppress any items recovered through the search warrant.”

Update #3

June 13th, 2022

The lawyers seem to have accepted David will not take any nonprosecution agreement and is making this issue his mission to prove his complete innocence and Operation Silent Night unconstitutional.  

David said the court docket shows the government added 2 additional lawyers to assist the prosecution team.  

His lawyer is suppose to refile their Brady Demand for defense discovery materials this week.

Search Warrant Probable Cause part 2

May 22nd, 2022

Last line of search warrant probable cause:

12. The suppressors that are the subject of this investigation are marketed on the Internet as items purportedly unrelated to firearms, such as “solvent traps,” solvent trap accessories,” or “dry storage container,” among other names. However, these deceptive advertisements sometimes include an “NFA Warning” or a legal disclaimer regarding the use or modification of these devices. The inclusion of these disclaimers or statements, as well as customer comments and reviews, suggests that the sellers and buyers are aware of the nature and actual and intended use of the items.

(possible typos from OCR software)

(Left out lines 13-19 which are shipments/addresses/Phone numbers/tracking numbers and David is not an FFL and had no form 1)

Search Warrant Probable Cause

May 22nd, 2022

7. HSI has maintained an enduring initiative to investigate international firearm trafficking pertaining to the sale, importation and trafficking of suppressors into the United States from China in violation of the National Firearms Act("NFA") and the Arms Export Control Act (“AECA”). A suppressor is a muzzle device that reduces the acoustic intensity of the muzzle report (gunshot sound) and the recoil when a gun (firearm) is discharged. The suppressor modulates the speed and pressure of the propellant gas from the muzzle and hence suppresses the gunshot sound. A silencer can be a detachable accessory mounted separately onto the muzzle or can be an integral part of the barrel.

8. The suppressors that are the subject of this investigation originated from China from addresses known to law enforcement to be associated with suppressor shipments. The suppressors in this case are not serialized or contain markings of any kind. The suppressors are capped on one end and require a modification step to drill through the suppressor to allow the round to be projected through. *

* While the assembly of these suppressors is incomplete, the features and characteristics of the parts are consistent with those of known firearm suppressors.

9. These suppressors are often packaged and labeled to mislead law enforcement. That is, on the shipping labels, they are identified as auto repair tools, fuel filters, adapters, solvent trap suppressors, flashlight tubes, solvent filters, and other misleading titles to avoid detection of their actual intended use. These devices vary by size but appear very similar in design. When properly installed on a firearm, the suppressor will allow the firearm to expel rounds in a silenced fashion. I also know that these devices have different names, including but not limited to: "silencers,” “suppressors," ”sound suppressor,” and “sound moderator.” For the purpose of this Affidavit, the devices will be referred to as “suppressors.” 

10. During the investigation, HSI agents obtained a copy of a report from the ATF Firearms Technology Criminal Branch regarding “Silencer Components” dated September 13, 2019, wherein ATF agents examined a metal cylindrical device with no markings or serial number similar to the suppressor components identified in the shipments in this investigation. The report concluded that the item in question was in fact a suppressor. 

11. Based on the analysis and conclusions in that report and my training and experience, I believe the combination of parts contained in the packages that are the subject of this investigation, discussed below, were designed and intended for use in assembling or fabricating a firearm silencer as defined in 18 U.S.C. §921(a)(24), which specifies that a firearm silencer can include, as in our case, “any combination of parts, designed or redesigned, and intended for use in assembling or fabricating a firearm silencer or firearm muffler...” 

Line 12 in next update due to limited characters allowed in update

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