Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom Contributions


 USD $1,500,000


 USD $999,200

Campaign created by Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom

Campaign funds will be received by Dawn Tolbert

Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom Contributions

Our Mission

To protect our right to bodily autonomy and faith-based reasonable accommodations for all employees across all industries.

We believe it is your right to request a reasonable accommodation, in lieu of forced vaccinations, to maintain your bodily autonomy under the Americans with Disabilities Act or a faith-based reasonable accommodation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

We are a group of airline employees who are legally challenging our employer’s decision to place us on unpaid leave, in essence, terminate us, as a form of reasonable accommodation. We believe the right to worship as we see fit is our choice.

Additionally, we believe all medical decisions should be made by the individual, in consultation with their doctor, not their employer.

Please consider helping us as our precedence-setting effort will solidify case law for future generations. We have an opportunity to return our nation to its intended flight path. Please join us.

“If not me, then who? If not now, then when?”

Please join us at

Recent Donations
Kalitta Pilot
2 days ago

The Lord Bless thee and keep thee.

3 days ago

ex Kalitta Air for AE4HF

Anonymous Giver
3 days ago

Kalitta pilot helping AE4HF

Anonymous Giver
3 days ago

Anonymous Giver
5 days ago

5 days ago

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom. 12:21)

rebecca ann lewis
5 days ago

rebecca ann lewis
5 days ago

Anonymous Giver
6 days ago

K4 pilots stand with you

Anonymous Giver
6 days ago

K4 Support

Anonymous Giver
8 days ago

K-4 Pilots helping the cause.

Anonymous Giver
18 days ago

Sibi #2304

Anonymous Giver
19 days ago

Sibi #1001

19 days ago

1336 michell
21 days ago

Paul Matthew Hernandez
22 days ago

We are ALL Gladiators . . . Fighting for Freedom . . . in The Arena ! ! ! 🙏🤜🤛

23 days ago

Sending thanks!

Anonymous Giver
23 days ago

27 days ago

Thank you for all the hard work you have done through out all these years since the vaccine mandates.

Francia Hurtado
28 days ago


Update #1

December 20th, 2021

Thank you for continuing to keep us in your prayers.  On Wednesday, Sen. Ted Cruz offered his help.  Watch the video in this article if you missed it.

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