
GiveSendGo, the best fundraising choice

By: Anonymous on | Comments: 0
Looking to start a fundraising campaign and not sure which platform to use? Consider GiveSendGo, the premier fundraising platform for people of all backgrounds and beliefs. Here are just a few reasons why GiveSendGo is a better choice than our competitors: No censorship: At GiveSendGo, we believe in free speech and freedom of religion. We won't censor your campaign just because it doesn't fit the mainstream narrative. Othr platforms, on the other hand, have a track record of censoring campaigns that don't align with their political agenda. Lower fees: GiveSendGo charges a lower platform fee than any other platform, so you can keep more of the money you raise to support your cause. Christian community: GiveSendGo is built on a foundation of Christian values, and we have a large and supportive community of believers who are ready to rally behind your campaign. Easy to use: Our platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it simple for you to set up your campaign and start raising funds right away. Secure and reliable: GiveSendGo uses the latest security measures to protect your personal and financial information, and our platform is built on a reliable infrastructure to ensure that your campaign runs smoothly. So why wait? Start your fundraising campaign on GiveSendGo today and experience the benefits of a platform that truly cares about your cause and your right to free speech.
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New year, same crowdfunding platform... or is it?

By: BRIEYA MIKALE on | Comments: 3

New year, same crowdfunding platform…or is it?
While GiveSendGo is the same Christ following, freedom loving, justice seeking platform, we have some New Year's resolutions! We took a look at our platform’s yearly analytics - from givers, to senders, to go-ers. We were blown away at how God is growing and using GiveSendGo to share hope to the world. 
We’ve seen this through giving a voice to someone whose campaign was taken down on another site. When society told them their voice doesn’t matter because it's different from their own, they chose to silence it. 
And don’t get me started on the miraculous stories from our prayer partner ministry. We could talk about it all day! God, through His divine intervention, uses those phone calls to do miracles! There’s one that still makes me tear up that I’ll briefly share. I won’t go into it fullly, but we had one call that God used to stop a suicide that was about to happen right at the time of the phone call. This person had lost all hope and had a gun in their hand. God created this person and He loves His children! So, God led our Prayer Team to call them at the right place at the right time to let that very special person know He see’s them, hears them and is mourning with them. And from that phone call and God’s love toward that person, they were able to see a glimmer of hope. 
Jesus! You have blessed our company SO much! Use us to bless your kingdom more. Speak, your servants are listening!
God calls us to be generous. If we’re going to help lead a movement of generosity, freedom, and becoming more Christ-like, then we need to read the Bible and follow Jesus’ example of a what a true leader is.
Jesus, our shepherd, the leader who leaves the 99 for the one, served his people. Day and night he served with humility, healed the sick, and performed miracle upon miracle. Jesus didn’t ride on the back of a horse when he arrived in Jerusalem. He CHOSE a donkey, a symbol of peace and humility, over a horse which often in the Bible had relations to kings and war. He CHOSE to wash the feet of his disciples, including Judas who Jesus knew would soon betray him. There are countless examples of Jesus being God’s humble servant. We should want to be more like Jesus. 
This year GiveSendGo wants to serve every campaign on our website. We want to make the experience even more easy to understand, quick to set up, and reliable. We want to be a site you can trust. This is something we are constantly trying to improve. With that being said, we do have an announcement about this upcoming year we’re very excited to share! Starting Monday, January 2, 2023, GiveSendGo is lowering our processing rate to 2.7% + 30cents for new donations to USA based campaigns. 
Thank you Jesus for all that you are doing and continue to do with GiveSendGo. We would also like to thank all of our GiveSendGo users for standing with us through thick and thin! Have a happy New Year everyone!
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12 days of Christmas!

By: BROOKLYN O on | Comments: 0

12 days of Christmas!

During the holiday season we celebrate Jesus and the hope he brings all year long!

In our mission of sharing that hope, we've found that the best way to honor God is to show his love to one another.

That's why this year we will be releasing a new challenge for you every day counting down to Christmas, because here at GiveSendGo, we are all about Giving!

12. Tuesday, December 13th - Pay it forward at a local coffee shop!

11. Wednesday, December 14th - Bake cookies for a neighbor!

10. Thursday, December 15th - Hold the door for a stranger every chance you have!

9. Friday, December 16th - Pick up some litter today!

8. Saturday, December 17th - Leave a note and gift for the mailman!

7. Sunday, December 18th - Donate books to your local library!

6. Monday, December 19th - Smile, acknowledge the people around you!

5. Tuesday December 20th - Take someone out and let them talk!

4. Wednesday, December 21st - Bring all the carts in a parking lot to the corral

3. Thursday, December 22nd - Start a friendship bread chain!

2. Friday, December 23rd - Bake cookies for a neighbor!

1. Saturday, December 24th - Bake cookies for a neighbor!

Sunday, December 25th - Merry Christmas!


“Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior -yes, the Messiah, the Lord- has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! Luke 2:10-11

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