How to Use GiveSendGo in Your Community
By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 0If you go to our homepage at you’ll notice various trending campaigns, most of which have gone viral on social media and have raised a substantial amount of money. And all of those campaigns started off in the same way - one person saw a need and believed they could make a difference in their community by using GiveSendGo. And you can too!
Our mission has always been to share the hope of Jesus through crowdfunding, but now we want YOU to use GiveSendGo to share hope with those around you. Here are 5 ways you can use GiveSendGo to make a difference in your community.
Disaster Relief
When you think of crowdfunding you probably think of fundraising for the relief and support of a community recently affected by a natural disaster. GiveSendGo is never short of these types of campaigns. We can’t control when a natural disaster like a hurricane, tornado, wildfire, etc. is going to strike, but when it does rest assured GiveSendGo will be there for you to raise money for your affected community.
Food for Shut-Ins
Sometimes you may have to look a little harder for things in your community you can help with. Ask around and I bet you’ll find that even your community has people who are stuck at home and need your help to get food and other supplies. But these basic needs are often expensive (eggs alone more than doubled in price), not to mention buying for several shut-ins.
Start a GiveSendGo campaign and share it with those in your community! Before no time you’ll have raised the money you need to help the shut-ins in your community without breaking the bank.
Church Fundraiser
Maybe your church is raising money to replace the pews, put in a new parking lot, or take a team on a mission trip. Whatever the cause, GiveSendGo is a simple solution to your church’s needs. In fact, this is how GIveSendGo began! When first launched almost () years ago, we were much smaller than we are today, we started as a platform for Christian causes, especially mission trips. Now, GiveSendGo has extended its purpose far beyond just Christian crowdfunding, but our mission remains the same - to share hope - and we hope you do the same in your community!
Grade School or College/University
If you’ve lived long enough you’ve probably had a child come knocking on your door asking if you could buy some candles, cookies, or candy for their school fundraiser. And every item is always double if not triple what you’d be willing to pay if you saw it in a store. But how could you say no to that adorable face, right? Next time, instead of purchasing out of a guilty conscience, reach out to the school and suggest they start a GiveSendGo campaign the community can donate to instead. Or, with the school’s permission, start a campaign to collect donations in your community for a current school fundraiser. If there’s a college or university in your community, there’s almost always a need for fundraising whether it’s for students studying abroad or going on an educational trip, a better volleyball net, or their annual booster banquet. Call around and see what you can start a campaign on GiveSendGo for.
Community Project and Events
Has your community recently announced they want to repair a bridge, build a new library, or they’re hosting a community-wide event? Sometimes the city has enough money for its projects and other times they ask for donations from the community to make their project happen. See if they’ll allow you to start a fundraiser on GiveSendGo to streamline the donation process and make it easily shareable on their social media pages.But not every community project is led by or thought of by the city. Maybe it’s something you personally want to do or need to do to improve and support your community.
Here at GiveSendGo, we’ve seen it all! Right now there are people on our site raising money to build a shooting range in their town, purchase a vehicle to start a local taxi service, support a struggling farm, buy Christmas presents for kids in their community later this year, and even purchase books and supplies for a school classroom.Whether big or small there’s always a need in your community that you can help with!
Who knew crowdfunding could feel so good?
“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.” - Proverbs 3:27