
What is GiveSendGo Charities and What Does it Do?

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 0

In 2022, GiveSendGo set out to make a greater impact of hope in our world today by creating GiveSendGo Charities. This distinct 501c3 organization focuses on raising and distributing funds through our crowdfunding platform. GiveSendGo covers the administrative costs of the charity so that your FULL donation can make its way to those in need.

GiveSendGo Charities is built on the belief that “global transformation starts at your location”, meaning everyone has the power to make a positive impact in the world from where they are. And the charity is dedicated to helping people around the world do just that through their giving. 

You may be familiar with some GiveSendGo Charities’ recent projects such as “Community Relief for East Palestine, Ohio”, “Middle-Eastern Earthquake Relief Campaign”, and “The Zachary James Wells Legacy Fund”. 

Overall, GiveSendGo Charities is an innovative and impactful platform dedicated to helping nonprofit organizations and social impact projects succeed. They’re helping to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to make a positive difference in their community and beyond.

For more information on GiveSendGo Charities, you can visit where we provide opportunities for:
  • Non-Profit Partnerships
  • Donor Advised Funds
  • Collaboration with Social Media Influencers
  • Fiscal Partnerships with businesses of all sizes

You can even join our GiverArmy 2.0, our community of micro-philanthropists, where your donation will make its way to the front of the line when catastrophe hits.

All GiveSendGo Charity campaigns are fully tax-deductible.

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Spring Into Action: How GiveSendGo Can Help You Achieve Your Dreams

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 0

Spring has sprung, and so has the opportunity to make your dreams a reality! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are blooming. It's the perfect time to put a little "spring" in your step and start pursuing your passions with renewed energy and enthusiasm. And what better way to do it than with GiveSendGo, the crowdfunding platform that can help you achieve your goals?

Here are some ways GiveSendGo can help you spring into action:

Blossom Your Ideas
Have an idea that's been hibernating all winter? Now's the time to let it bloom! GiveSendGo allows you to create a customizable campaign that reflects your personality and vision. Whether you want to start a business, fund a creative project, or support a cause, GiveSendGo is the platform where you can raise the seed money you need to make it happen.

Hop into Action
Spring is a time for action, not just dreaming. With GiveSendGo, you can launch your campaign in just a few clicks and start spreading the word to your friends, family, and community. Use our social media integration, email tools, and promotional tips to reach a wider audience and engage your supporters. The more people you get involved, the faster your campaign can grow and the closer you can get to your goal.

Shower Your Supporters with Gratitude
Spring is also a time for gratitude, as we celebrate the blessings God has given each one of us and the good He helps people do. With GiveSendGo, you can thank your supporters in creative and meaningful ways. Use our messaging system to send personalized messages, share updates, and express your appreciation. You can also offer perks, rewards, or exclusive content to your backers, as a token of your gratitude and generosity.

Don't Let Your Dreams Hibernate
Just as bears hibernate in winter, it's easy to let our dreams hibernate too. We may feel discouraged, overwhelmed, or afraid to take risks. But spring is a reminder that life is full of cycles and opportunities. With GiveSendGo, you can awaken your dreams and give them a chance to grow and flourish. You can also connect with other dreamers and supporters, who can inspire and encourage you along the way.

So, are you ready to spring into action with GiveSendGo? Don't let your dreams hibernate any longer! Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a creative artist, a social activist, or a personal seeker, GiveSendGo can help you achieve your dreams. Let's make this spring the season of making a difference. Let's bloom together!
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Raising Funds for Your Adoption or Fostering Journey on GiveSendGo

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 0

Adoption and fostering can be a long and expensive journey (no one understands that more than our co-founders who are adoptive parents themselves), but with the help of GiveSendGo, it doesn't have to be a lonely one. At GiveSendGo, we believe that every child deserves a loving home, and we're here to support families who are embarking on the adoption or fostering journey.

Whether you're adopting domestically or internationally, or you're becoming a foster parent, there are many costs associated with the process. From legal fees to travel expenses to home study fees, the costs can add up quickly. That's where GiveSendGo comes in – we provide a platform that allows you to raise funds quickly and easily, so you can focus on providing a loving home for your child.

Here are some tips for using GiveSendGo to raise funds for your adoption or fostering journey:

Tell your story: Use your GiveSendGo campaign page to tell your story and explain why you're pursuing adoption or fostering. Share photos and videos to help potential givers get to know you and your family. This will help put a face to the people they’re supporting. 

Set a goal: Set a realistic fundraising goal that will cover your adoption or fostering costs. You can always increase the goal amount later. Be transparent about how the funds will be used, so that givers know exactly how their contributions will help.

Share your campaign: Share your campaign with friends and family on social media, through text or email, or even print a flyer with your campaign link and put it up in your community or at church. Encourage others to share your campaign as well – the more people who know about it, the more likely you are to reach your goal.

Offer rewards: Consider offering rewards for donations at certain levels. For example, you could offer a thank-you note for donations under $50, a personalized photo for donations over $50, and a special gift for donations over $500. Not every campaign owner decides to use this method, but it keeps givers thinking about you and your family as you continue your journey.

Keep your donors updated: Use GiveSendGo's messaging tools to keep your donors updated on your adoption or fostering journey. Share photos (if you’re able) and updates on your child's progress, and let your donors know how their contributions have helped.

At GiveSendGo, we're here to support you every step of the way on your adoption or fostering journey. With our platform, you can raise funds quickly and easily, and you'll have the support of a community of givers who believe in your mission. So, go ahead and start your campaign today – we can't wait to see you bring a child into your loving home!
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