
GiveSendGo Is Not a Political Pawn. It's Time We Told Our Story.

By: Jacob Wells and Heather Wilson on | Comments: 7
GiveSendGo Is Not a Political Pawn. It's Time We Told Our Story.
by Jacob Wells and Heather Wilson

We have always believed in a higher purpose, and that belief drives us in nearly all we do.

As committed Christians, we believe that purpose comes from God. Every decision we make, every task we complete, everything we build all serves God’s higher purpose in ways we can only begin to comprehend. It was this conviction that led us to start our crowdfunding website, and we say without hubris we’ve been blessed to see God work his purposes through our platform.

In light of fraught events in our country’s recent political life, our site has been drawn into the fallout from the horrific attack on the Capitol Building in Washington on January 6th. We feel the record needs to be set straight.

First, we do not condone the use of violence for political gain, and we unequivocally condemn those who threatened the lives of our elected leaders and the police officers who were simply doing their jobs. Nor does our site exist solely for the accused rioters to raise legal funds for their defense. Contrary to what some have implied, GiveSendGo isn’t only online to serve as a haven for accused insurrectionists. While it is true that GiveSendGo is being used by those who have been charged in the attack, those people are Constitutionally entitled to a defense whether we like it or not. More to the point, those campaigns are only a fraction of what our site is about.
We believe God’s purpose for our site was never to be a political pawn. As with all things, God’s purpose is far greater.

We started GiveSendGo with the belief that even though money is a necessity in this life, it does not fill the God-shaped hole people have. We wanted a platform that would offer people a place to fundraise for the things that are important to them, all the while sharing the Hope we know is found in Jesus.

In the years since we founded the site, we’ve heard testimonials and success stories from thousands of ordinary people who were able to use our site to raise the funds they needed. These people have raised money for adoption, medical expenses, disaster relief, missionary-related efforts, and so many other endeavors that have made the world a better place.

Since having just another “funding me” platform is not the ultimate goal, we wanted to add features that would set us apart. We made it a point to add a prayer feature to our website that allows generous givers the ability to offer prayer support to those on their journey. Even something as small as a prayer notification can sometimes make the difference between persisting and giving up.

Not only do we allow others to offer prayer, GSG has a team of Prayer partners that will call each campaign owner and offer prayers for them right over the phone. We have collected countless stories from people who were touched that we would care so much about them and their campaigns.

We felt called to start this site because we know this life can be hard, but above all we want to share the Good News that we do not have to go it alone. That was, and still is, our purpose. And we believe with all the conviction in the world that this purpose is greater than any short-term political agenda the Left or the Right wants to throw on us.
We aren’t saying all of this just to sell people on Our point is to make people understand that our platform is about bringing people together and making a difference, however small, in the lives of others.

Jacob Wells and Heather Wilson are siblings and the cofounders of
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So-called Christian website

By: GiveSendGo on | Comments: 1
What makes a business Christian? 

We have been accused for months now of being a “so-called Christian website”.  That got us thinking.  What should a Christian website look like? Is it possible for a website to be Christian?  

Interesting questions.  What makes Chick-fil-a a Christian company?  Is it that they only serve chicken to Christians?   What defines a business Christian or non Christian?  Is every business either a Christian business or non Christian  and what is that dependent on, is it who they do business with, or who the owners are?  

We came to the conclusion that no business can be Christian.  A Christian is someONE who has chosen to accept the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross and walk in relationship with Him.  Businesses can’t do that. 

So where does that leave Christians who own  businesses?   We know thousands of business owners that love Jesus and follow Him. Some who do and some who do not have the word Christian in their business name. 

We know Christian owners that clean chimneys for people , never once asking whether someone deserved to have their chimney cleaned based on how they spent their weekend.  We know Christians who are accountants that reconcile the books for people that have had an arrest record.  We know Christian doctors who would rush to the bedside of someone who was an instigator in a bar fight.  Just to name a few. 

Each person has a real living relationship with the Lord and each helping people who you might claim “do not deserve it.”   But as it says in Romans 2 ...

 “You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things.”
Romans 2:1 NLT

GiveSendGo is not a called Christian website because we only allow Christians on our site. GiveSendGo is just a platform, created by Christians who want to use their business to share the Hope we personally have found in Jesus.   We know there are many people who come on our site that are raising money that have never have experienced the Love of Jesus.  So we are going to use our little bits of php and HTML, sitting on vast servers known as the internet to serve people. 

To serve those who have lost someone close and are going through a hard time. Maybe it's someone who has had a horrible diagnoses that has rocked their world both physically and financially. Serving families that have started the adeventure of adopting. Or starting a Church.  To serve those who have made  bad decisions and now have to live up to the consequences of those decisions in a court of law.  

At GiveSendGo we won’t ask you if you deserve to start a campaign or if you have the right beliefs or the strongest ones. We won’t condemn you for the mistakes you have made no matter how big. We have made them too.  We instead will introduce you to the one who says He loves you, and who desires a relationship with you , no matter who you are or what you have done.   Because we are thankful that once upon a time someone shared that same Good News with us.

So that we now can call ourselves Christians .
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Gone Crazy

By: GiveSendGo on | Comments: 1
Have you seen the popular t-shirt or bumper sticker that says Gone Fishin'?  I feel like we need to make one for this past decade that says "Gone Crazy".   

People fighting and disowning each other over political posts, shootings, rioting and looting, protests, claims of fraud on every election, killing babies is called normal and people are shamed if they believe it is wrong, social platforms and credit cards silencing any voice they don't agree with. If you had given me a magic ball I would not have believed this would be the culture we find ourselves living in the 2021 United States of America. 

Freedom that was bought a high price both spiritually and physically, is being thrown away for greed and convienence. 

GiveSendGo has found itself in a precarious position, as the country takes sides. We know that the battle is not against flesh and blood so we are not out to take a stand with either Democrats or Republicans.  Our stand is HOPE.  We are going to use our platform to share the Hope of Jesus.  When someone comes to GSG and wants to make a campaign for some left leaning campaign, we will allow it as we pray and reach out and share love and hope with each campaign owner and giver.  When a right leaning campaign owner makes a campaign we don't 100% agree with, again we just commit to pray for, and share grace and hope with each person who comes to the campaign. 

That doesn't always make us a lot of friends. We get a lot of hate mail, threats and people demanding "take that down"  or "how dare you call yourself a Christian".   We understand that people are invested in their "side" and what they feel is the right way to do things and they can be really passionate expressing it. 

We are also passionate. We are passionate about helping people. We are passionate about sharing Hope with often times hopeless people.  We are passionate about giving YOU a voice. Giving you a way to take a stand for what you feel passionate about. But most importantly, we are passionate about Jesus.  We are passionate about getting a chance to introduce Him to people who come to our platform. We don't care what election sign is in your yard, or who you follow on twitter, those are all temporary. We want to focus on the eternal.  

Our focus is simple:  Letting you know that Jesus loves you more than you ever can imagine. So much that He took the punishment for the sin that separates you from God and made a way for you to have a relationship with Him.  He doesn't just want you to just say a one time prayer. He wants your whole self, freely choosing to love Him in response to His love for you. Nothing gets better than that.  Simple but yet Mindblowing.  

Don't go crazy, Go share Hope along with us. It's still available for all! 

GiveSendGo- Crowdfunding for all
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