
What the Tweet?

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Here is our final post on Twitter as we moved away from the platform that has become a one sided breeding ground for hate speech. 

"Thank you to our past processors WePay, Stripe and PayPal for helping us get started with GiveSendGo. Its been great. Even more thankful for alternate processors for the future! #Freedom #ShareHope #GodLovesEveryone #Everyoneneedshope"   

We just wanted to let people know that we were no longer using the processing platforms we had been using. Critics were relentlessly attacking these payment processors in their anger, after not being able to get GiveSendGo to bend to their mob mentality.  There have now been over 100 comments on that last twitter post.

So we decided we would share our thoughts on some of those comments here on our blog: So here we go...

"I'll be contacting Stripe, PayPal and WePay directly about
@GiveSendGo's association with Ali, a wanted person in connection with the Capitol Hill events of last week. Im sure PayPal isn't about to continue to stand with sedition, insurrection and aiding and abetting."
  •  That is fine. As our initial post states they are our 'past' processors. We have been working diligently to move to third party hosting and our own processing. Platforms that won't dictate who we can or can't allow on our site.

"These people raise money for Proud Boys and similar hate groups."
  • This is a misconception.  GiveSendGo does not raise money for anyone. People create campaigns to raise money from their friends, family and social circles.  Also the people who label groups like the Proud boys as a hate group also labels any conservative Christian group as hate groups.  Great organizations that believe in the sanctity of life and the definition of marriage.  So we do not go by the labels of some random website. We imagine soon enough Christianity as a whole will be labeled a hate group for sharing there is only one way to Heaven. Through Jesus. 

"If memory serves organizations that fund terrorism, foreign or domestic can have all their assets seized" 
  • That is probably correct. But we do not fund terrorism. We cooperate with local and federal law agencies to make sure we are compliant with the law. 

"The real question is why is @Paypal
supporting a site that is funding white domestic terrorism."
  • Again according to the post you are replying to, we no longer use PayPal. We didn't like their censorship so we dropped them. 

"GiveSendGo is condoning funding death, murder and terrorism in the United States while using the Lord's in vain while profiteering from the decay of democracy. It's not any of us you'll have to answer to in the end, though."
  • Now this one is crazy. We do not condone funding death and I would love to see your proof on campaigns raising money for funding death. Its easy to just say things with no backing. That's pretty much how reporters do it now a days.  Just say something enough and it becomes "truth"  so why would we expect anything less from the followers.   Interesting that no one minds that our country fights to fund death by abortion. There was over 3million abortions world wide this year!!!  If those deaths don't make you angry then that is the problem.  We know we do not have to answer to the angry mob, just to God and that is why we do what we do. We are prepared to answer to God for our platform. We actually talk to Him daily about it. 

"You’re helping to fund terrorism—and you don’t need two spaces after periods anymore."
  • We are thankful for the grammar help. Even though no one has funded any sort of terrorism on GiveSendGo.  Who, that was arrested at the capitol, used GiveSendGo to go and do destruction?  Yes a few are raising money for legal fees now, because of their bad choices. But that is something totally different. 

"You fund terrorists who murder Americans, including a policeman. The people they attacked (and will be attacking) are also other Christians as well. So your “Christian” organization is an embedded terrorist cell. You are America’s ISIS"
  • Please send over anyone that murdered a policeman that funded anything on GiveSendGo.  Please also send over documentation on how the policeman died ( if you actually care to do the research and see what his family says) 

Our Final statement:

 We are Christians that believe that taking sides in politics is not the answer. The answer is found in Jesus. We will continue to share that hope with everyone that comes on our platform. Right, Left, Good, bad, religious, non religious. We know that if we were going to base who could fundraise on the "goodness" of a person, then no one would be able to fundraise on GiveSendGo, or GoFundMe or anywhere as the Bible clearly states "There is none righteous, no not one"  It is only by the Grace of God that any of us can have the free Gift of salvation. 

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Please pray with us

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Hello GiveSendGo Family,

As we witnessed the civil unrest in Washington DC yesterday, our hearts are saddened by the direction we see our country heading. Instead of "One Nation Under God," we see a divided nation under the gods of our own making.

Please join us as we say a prayer for our nation.

Dear Jesus,
We come before you now with repentant hearts. We often fall short of a life that reflects you. Still, you welcome us. Today, we lift up the United States of America. Give our leaders wisdom as they work to bring this country together. Lord, we trust you with our country, our leaders, and our future. We know you can heal our divided land, but more than that, Jesus, heal our divided hearts. So often, we are distracted by what we see, that we forget you are ultimately in control. As it written in John 16:33, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Let our focus be on you this New Year, willing to be used by you, to share hope with a broken and fallen world. Replace the fear and discouragement in our hearts with boldness and confidence as your representatives at “such a time as this”. Use us, Lord Jesus, to be your hands and feet. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
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GiveSendGo Acquires FaithLauncher

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Boston, MA. February 20, 2019 --GiveSendGo, the world’s largest Christian fundraising platform, announced they have moved forward in acquiring personal fundraising site FaithLauncher. This will create even more opportunities for sharing Hope in our world.

The two companies are excited about how this merger will create a centralized place for Christians to create campaigns and support each other both financially and prayerfully.

“GiveSendGo and FaithLauncher have shared a common mission of not just fundraising to raise money, but raising funds to share the Hope of Jesus in the world. With this acquisition, we will be able to unite the body of Christ, allowing Christians world over to make an impact far greater than they can on their own,” said Jacob Wells, CFO of GiveSendGo. “We welcome the FaithLauncher family to GiveSendGo’s global community, and are excited to see where this acquisition will lead us.”

FaithLauncher’s users will be added to the GiveSendGo family and will be able to utilize GiveSendGo’s top of the line customer service team, as well as all the unique and easy to use features available on their platform.

"I am very excited that FaithLauncher will be joining GiveSendGo as we both share an unwavering belief in collaboration,” said FaithLauncher Founder Fernando Chavez. “FaithLauncher's early vision was to create an online community where Christians could work as one to support their causes, and there is no better home for FaithLauncher to continue rapidly growing and expanding that vision than with GiveSendGo."

GiveSendGo and FaithLauncher finalized the acquisition February 2019.

About GiveSendGo

Launched in 2015, GiveSendGo is the world’s largest free Christian fundraising platform available in over 26 countries. Millions of dollars have been raised, but more importantly, millions of lives changed by the Hope that has been shared. GiveSendGo is changing the “why” behind crowdfunding. Crowdfunding- no longer just about raising money.


Heather Wilson


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