
Our Winners Are Spreading the Generosity!

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 0
Last month, we hosted an exciting June Giveback Giveaway, and we were thrilled with the response! We asked you to share videos on Facebook, X, Instagram, Gab, and Gettr about why you love GiveSendGo, and you certainly delivered!

After reviewing countless amazing submissions, we selected our winners last week. Each winner received a $200 Visa gift card delivered straight to their email and a $1,000 donation to give to a GiveSendGo campaign of their choice.

Let’s dive into the winners and discover which campaigns they chose to receive this generous donation!

Our Facebook Winner is Cynthia Kersh!

She chose her campaign “Cynthia’s Health Journey” to receive our $1,000 donation! 

Cynthia, suffering from severe food allergies, developed Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) after repeated allergen exposure while caring for her in-laws. These conditions severely impact her life, causing debilitating symptoms and frequent medical emergencies. 

Cynthia requires specialized treatments, a port for emergency medications, and home health care. Due to her health, she has lost multiple jobs and faces significant financial strains.

Donations will help cover medical expenses, treatments, and living costs, providing Cynthia with life-saving care and stability. 

View the campaign here:

Our Twitter (X) Winner is Dave Roderick!

He chose his campaign “Maine Prayer Strategy” to receive our $1,000 donation!

Dave Roderick, the Penobscot Coordinator for the Maine Prayer Strategy (MPS) and a board member, is raising funds to support MPS's mission of uniting Christians in prayer. He aimed to raise $225 to cover his $200 annual board member contribution and the associated fees for using GiveSendGo. 

MPS, founded in 2016, organizes prayer meetings at various churches to pray for the Bangor area, Penobscot County, and beyond, focusing on government, schools, families, pastors, and more. Dave invites donations to support this mission of collective prayer and community strengthening. 

Check out this campaign at

Our Instagram Winner is Morgan Nicholson!

She chose a campaign supporting the Bakker family called “Help Tristan Beat Leukemia” to receive our $1,000 donation! 

The Bakker family had planned a joyous European vacation, but their plans were abruptly changed when their 4-year-old son, Tristan, fell ill and was diagnosed with leukemia. Instead of enjoying their holiday, they found themselves facing hospitals and intensive medical treatments. The best available treatment for Tristan is in the Netherlands, prompting the family to relocate there for the next two years to give him the best chance of survival. 

Tristan's treatment involves numerous chemotherapy sessions, hospital stays, and significant medical expenses. The Bakker family now lives in a small apartment near the hospital, focusing on Tristan's care while facing the financial strain of their new reality. They are reaching out for support from their community, friends, and compassionate strangers to help cover living expenses, medical costs, and the specialized care Tristan needs. 

Take a look at this campaign at

Our Gab Winner is Jean Cline!

She chose “Medical Bill Assistance: The Mason Family” to receive our $1,000 donation! 

In 2018, Mary was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease. The Mason family has been struggling with accumulating medical bills and now faces additional expenses for pain management, medical equipment, and home accessibility. The financial burden has forced them to choose between medical needs and daily essentials like groceries, medications, and house payments. 

This campaign aims to pay off the outstanding medical bills and help Matt provide necessary care for Mary at home with the assistance of their two daughters. Donations will allow Mary to spend her remaining time surrounded by loved ones, with Matt able to stay by her side and maintain their home. 

See this campaign at

Our Gettr Winner is Grace Flynn!

She chose her campaign “GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE” to receive our $1,000 donation!

She’s raising money to record her original song, "GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE," composed in 2023. The song emphasizes that God supports and is near those who seek a better life, offering guidance and help in navigating life's challenges.

Take a peek at this campaign at

A HUGE thank you to everyone who posted a video about why they love GiveSendGo! Be sure to follow us on all our social media platforms for updates on upcoming giveaways YOU could win!

Shine Brightly!

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September 2: Call a Prayer Partner on GiveSendGo’s Day of Prayer 

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 1

We’re excited to announce GiveSendGo’s first ever Day of Prayer on Saturday, September 2 from 1-4 PM EST. Join us by calling our prayer hotline at (302) - 200 - 6580 to share a praise or be prayed over by a GiveSendGo Prayer Partner. 

Please DO NOT use this number for customer service. Our Prayer Partners are not equipped to assist with customer service inquiries. For customer support, please contact our dedicated agents at 

How can you prepare for and participate in GiveSendGo’s Day of Prayer?

Mark your calendar: Set a reminder for September 2nd, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM EST. You can call anytime during these set times. 

Call the Prayer Hotline: Call 302-200-6580 on Saturday, Sept. 2 between 1-4 PM EST and connect with a prayer partner. Whether you have a specific request or simply want to share a praise, our prayer partners are here to listen and support you.

Pray Too!: Others will also call to be prayed for by GiveSendGo’s Prayer Partners. Take a moment to pray for these individuals who are also seeking prayer. 

What are some things you can ask for prayer for? 

Anything, really! But here are some examples: 

Your GiveSendGo Campaign: Are you raising funds on GiveSendGo for a cause or person you deeply care about? Thank you for choosing GiveSendGo! We'd be honored to pray for the purpose behind your fundraising – whether it's for a new project, medical expenses, a mission trip, or an urgent situation.

Relationships: In our lives, there's often someone, be it a family member, friend, or significant other, who could use some prayer. They might be facing challenges, considering new opportunities, or dealing with health issues. You could be seeking to build new connections or mend broken relationships. Let us pray for that person in your life who needs prayer. 

Guidance and Decisions: If you're facing important choices or seeking clarity in a situation, let us pray for you. We hope to lift you up and ask God for wisdom, vision, and guidance for you. 

Health and Healing: At GiveSendGo, we understand that health-related worries are often why people seek funds. Such concerns can create stress for both the person facing them and those who care about them. Whether it's for yourself or someone you know, we're here to pray and ask God for physical or emotional well-being.

Peace and Strength: During tough times, God promises comfort and rest in Him. We'd like to offer prayers for Christ's peace and strength to embrace you in your struggles.

Work and Finances: Job-related difficulties or financial worries can be challenging. Do you need prayer for hope and support during these uncertain moments? We’d love to offer up those prayers to Christ during this time in your life. 

Spiritual Growth: Like Paul's prayers for wisdom and understanding, we believe in the importance of prayer for spiritual growth. It's not only about knowing how to live in obedience but also deepening your love for God. Let us pray for your journey.

World Issues: Global concerns often weigh on our hearts – from politics to natural disasters and conflicts. When you call a prayer partner, ask for prayer concerning a global issue, something in your state, or even your local community.

Your Church: If you're part of a church family, we're here to pray for it. Whether it's an upcoming event, a conflict, mission trips, evangelism, discipleship opportunities, or support for individuals within the church – we're here for you.

Gratitude and Praise: Beyond praying for you, we're eager to hear and celebrate your praises. Have you experienced God's peace during challenges, provision in times of need, healing for a loved one, or a deepened walk with Him? We're excited to join you in praising God and hearing about His work in your life!

"Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:12-13 (ESV)
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Alaska!: The Most Generous State on GiveSendGo in March

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 1

As the sun rises over the rugged terrain of Alaska, we’re proud to announce that the Last Frontier has emerged as the most generous state on GiveSendGo! Yep, you heard us right - Alaska isn’t only the largest state in the USA but also the most giving in the month of March when it comes to supporting important causes and campaigns on GiveSendGo.

According to the latest data, Alaska ranked first in terms of both quantity and dollars donated per capita on GiveSendGo. This means Alaskans donated the highest amount of money per person compared to any other state in the country. Isn't that incredible?

So, what makes Alaska such a generous state? Some might say it's the breathtaking natural beauty of the state that inspires people to be more giving. Others might point to the spirit of community that runs deep in the state's culture. Whatever the reason may be, one thing’s clear - Alaskans have a big heart and a giving spirit. Sounds like our kind of people! 

On GiveSendGo, Alaskans have come together to support a wide range of causes, from disaster relief efforts to community-building projects, and everything in between. It's heartwarming to see how the people of Alaska have rallied together to make a difference in the lives of others.
As we celebrate Alaska's generosity, we’re reminded of the power of giving. Giving isn’t just about making a financial contribution; it's about making a positive impact in the world. It's about coming together as a community to help those in need, and in doing so, creating a better future for all. And ANYONE can make a difference! Even you! 

So, here's a shoutout to the people of Alaska - thank you for your generosity, your spirit of community, and your commitment to making the world a better place. You’re an inspiration to us all, and we’re proud to have you as part of the GiveSendGo family.
Comment below if you’d like us to write another blog announcing what April’s most generous state was on GiveSendGo. Maybe it’s your state!
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