
Our Winners Are Spreading the Generosity!

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 0
Last month, we hosted an exciting June Giveback Giveaway, and we were thrilled with the response! We asked you to share videos on Facebook, X, Instagram, Gab, and Gettr about why you love GiveSendGo, and you certainly delivered!

After reviewing countless amazing submissions, we selected our winners last week. Each winner received a $200 Visa gift card delivered straight to their email and a $1,000 donation to give to a GiveSendGo campaign of their choice.

Let’s dive into the winners and discover which campaigns they chose to receive this generous donation!

Our Facebook Winner is Cynthia Kersh!

She chose her campaign “Cynthia’s Health Journey” to receive our $1,000 donation! 

Cynthia, suffering from severe food allergies, developed Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) after repeated allergen exposure while caring for her in-laws. These conditions severely impact her life, causing debilitating symptoms and frequent medical emergencies. 

Cynthia requires specialized treatments, a port for emergency medications, and home health care. Due to her health, she has lost multiple jobs and faces significant financial strains.

Donations will help cover medical expenses, treatments, and living costs, providing Cynthia with life-saving care and stability. 

View the campaign here:

Our Twitter (X) Winner is Dave Roderick!

He chose his campaign “Maine Prayer Strategy” to receive our $1,000 donation!

Dave Roderick, the Penobscot Coordinator for the Maine Prayer Strategy (MPS) and a board member, is raising funds to support MPS's mission of uniting Christians in prayer. He aimed to raise $225 to cover his $200 annual board member contribution and the associated fees for using GiveSendGo. 

MPS, founded in 2016, organizes prayer meetings at various churches to pray for the Bangor area, Penobscot County, and beyond, focusing on government, schools, families, pastors, and more. Dave invites donations to support this mission of collective prayer and community strengthening. 

Check out this campaign at

Our Instagram Winner is Morgan Nicholson!

She chose a campaign supporting the Bakker family called “Help Tristan Beat Leukemia” to receive our $1,000 donation! 

The Bakker family had planned a joyous European vacation, but their plans were abruptly changed when their 4-year-old son, Tristan, fell ill and was diagnosed with leukemia. Instead of enjoying their holiday, they found themselves facing hospitals and intensive medical treatments. The best available treatment for Tristan is in the Netherlands, prompting the family to relocate there for the next two years to give him the best chance of survival. 

Tristan's treatment involves numerous chemotherapy sessions, hospital stays, and significant medical expenses. The Bakker family now lives in a small apartment near the hospital, focusing on Tristan's care while facing the financial strain of their new reality. They are reaching out for support from their community, friends, and compassionate strangers to help cover living expenses, medical costs, and the specialized care Tristan needs. 

Take a look at this campaign at

Our Gab Winner is Jean Cline!

She chose “Medical Bill Assistance: The Mason Family” to receive our $1,000 donation! 

In 2018, Mary was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease. The Mason family has been struggling with accumulating medical bills and now faces additional expenses for pain management, medical equipment, and home accessibility. The financial burden has forced them to choose between medical needs and daily essentials like groceries, medications, and house payments. 

This campaign aims to pay off the outstanding medical bills and help Matt provide necessary care for Mary at home with the assistance of their two daughters. Donations will allow Mary to spend her remaining time surrounded by loved ones, with Matt able to stay by her side and maintain their home. 

See this campaign at

Our Gettr Winner is Grace Flynn!

She chose her campaign “GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE” to receive our $1,000 donation!

She’s raising money to record her original song, "GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE," composed in 2023. The song emphasizes that God supports and is near those who seek a better life, offering guidance and help in navigating life's challenges.

Take a peek at this campaign at

A HUGE thank you to everyone who posted a video about why they love GiveSendGo! Be sure to follow us on all our social media platforms for updates on upcoming giveaways YOU could win!

Shine Brightly!

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Win $1,200!!: Why Do You Love GiveSendGo?

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 1
We’re excited to announce our June Giveback GIVEAWAY! 

This month, we’re inviting YOU and our amazing community to share why you love GiveSendGo for a chance to win an awesome prize for yourself and one to give away to someone else — on us!

PRIZE: A $200 prepaid Visa gift card (USD) sent to the winner’s email and $1,000 to give to a GiveSendGo campaign of their choice (winner’s campaign IS eligible). The donation will be made in the winner’s name.

How to Enter:
  • Record a Video: Create a short selfie-style video telling us why you love GiveSendGo.
  • Share Your Video: Post your video on social media with the hashtag #ILoveGiveSendGo.
  • Tag Us and Friends: Tag us and up to 5 friends in your post to enter. Each friend you tag earns you another entry into the giveaway.
  • Post on Multiple Platforms: You can post on Facebook, X, Instagram, Truth Social, Gab, and Gettr for more chances to win, as we’ll be picking one winner from each platform.

What to Say in Your Video:

Not sure what to say in your video? Here are some ideas to help get those creative juices flowing:
  • Great Customer Service Experience: Share a story about a time you had a positive interaction with our customer service team.
  • Giver Army Grant: Talk about how receiving a Giver Army grant made a difference in your fundraising efforts.
  • Prayer Partner Call: Describe how a call from one of our prayer partners impacted your life or brightened your day with a spark of hope.
  • Successful Fundraising: Highlight a cause you were able to support or a need you were able to meet through your GiveSendGo campaign.
  • Life-Changing Impact: Share a story about someone you know whose life was changed because they fundraised on GiveSendGo.
  • Values and Mission: Share why you love GiveSendGo's values and commitment to sharing hope and helping individuals to fundraise for causes they care about. 
  • Low Processing Rates: Mention how GiveSendGo's lower processing rates helped you reach your fundraising goal by allowing you to keep more of the money you raised.
  • Prayer Wall: Share your experience using our prayer wall and how it has impacted you to receive prayers from strangers or to pray for others in need.
  • The Shine Brightly Podcast: Share how you listen or watch our podcast! Did you learn about a campaign you then ended up supporting, discover something new about GiveSendGo, or perhaps you were a guest on our show?
  • Innovative Features: Highlight any unique features of GiveSendGo that you find particularly helpful or inspiring such as the pray now button.

 Tips for Making a Great Video:
  • Be Genuine: Speak from the heart and share your authentic experiences.
  • Be Creative: Feel free to get creative with your video. Use props, add music, or film in a special location.
  • Keep It Concise: Remember to keep your video short and engaging.
  • Use Good Lighting: Make sure your video is well-lit so we can see your smiling face!
  • Speak Clearly: Ensure your voice is clear and easy to understand.

Why Participate?

By joining our giveaway contest, you could win a fantastic prize for yourself AND money to give to a campaign in need on GiveSendGo.

It's an opportunity to give back without spending a dime. Plus, you'll help spread the word about GiveSendGo, giving others hope for their fundraising endeavors.

Thank you for being part of the GiveSendGo family and we can’t wait to watch your video about why you love GiveSendGo. 

Ready, set, record!
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Holy Week: The Most Significant Week in History

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 5

As Easter approaches, many of us tend to focus solely on the holiday itself overlooking the importance of the week preceding it known as Holy Week. Spanning from Palm Sunday to Easter, this week is undoubtedly the most significant time for Christians to study in Scripture, reflect on, share, and celebrate. 

For GiveSendGo, the essence of who we are and what we do is encapsulated in this week. The hope of Jesus is the heartbeat of our company and the reason we are passionate about sharing His ultimate act of generosity with everyone who visits our site.

 Palm Sunday 

“7 And they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks on it, and he sat on it. 8 And many spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches that they had cut from the fields. 9 And those who went before and those who followed were shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! 10 Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest!” 
- Mark 11:7-10 (ESV)

Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem as a day of joy and anticipation.If you were among the crowds, you would undoubtedly hear them proclaiming, "Hosanna! The Messiah is here!" eyes fixed on the long-awaited Messiah as they spread their cloaks and palm branches beneath the hooves of the donkey carrying him. However, amidst the celebration, this day casts a shadow on what's to come as it marks the beginning of Jesus' journey to the cross. The same people who are currently roaring in praise will soon be gnashing their teeth as they hand over Jesus to be brutally killed. 

 Good Friday 

“17 and he went out, bearing his own cross, to the place called The Place of a Skull, which in Aramaic is called Golgotha. 18 There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, and Jesus between them…28 After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now finished, said (to fulfill the Scripture), “I thirst.” 29 A jar full of sour wine stood there, so they put a sponge full of the sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth. 30 When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” 
- John 19:17-18, 28-30

As we reflect on the account of Jesus’ crucifixion we try to comprehend the excruciating moments he endured. It’s uncomfortable and nearly impossible to grasp fully.

Calling the day of Jesus’ agonizing and bloody death “good” may seem paradoxical but without it, there would be no hope. Sin would remain unchecked without remedy, escape or justice. We consider it “good” because Jesus’ sacrifice, made once and for all, makes salvation and reconciliation with God possible, restoring what sin had broken. Jesus underwent a death we deserved yet willingly took our place. That’s as “good” as it gets.

It’s crucial to remember that Jesus’ life was not taken from him; he willingly gave it up for us, bearing the weight of humanity's sins. And think on this for a moment - For Jesus, the Son who has existed for all eternity with God the Father, to experience His Father turning His face away and pouring out all His wrath upon the One He loves most underscores the profound goodness of this death for us. His perfect love led to a perfect death, part of God's perfect plan from the beginning.

His death was goodness made manifest to us. So as you read about His crucifixion—the spitting and lashes, the cross, and His final breath when He proclaimed "it is finished"—remember amid the reflection on the sin (yours and ours) that put Him there, the goodness of Jesus to be our sacrificial lamb because of His love for us.


1 But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they [Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James] went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. 2 And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling apparel. 5 And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, "Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, 7 that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise." 
- Luke 24:1-7

As the sun dawns on Easter morning, the palpable grief of Mary the mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene, a dear friend and follower of Jesus, who had come to the tomb to anoint His cold and lifeless body, emanates from the pages of Scripture. However, upon arriving, they find the stone rolled away and Jesus' body missing. Mary Magdalene's first thought - His body has been stolen! Who would do this and why?

Yet, hope is just on the horizon and it's beyond what the women, religious leaders, or even we could have ever imagined. Jesus has risen from the dead! Before that solemn morning, our eternity was at stake. Now, this miracle holds immense significance for us. Without His resurrection, death would have triumphed, Jesus would not have been the Messiah He claimed to be and there would have been no hope. Praise God, for He keeps His promises—Jesus did rise from the dead! The grave is empty.

Christian or not, take some time during Holy Week to read about Jesus' journey to the cross and His miraculous resurrection. Reflect on the significance of His sacrifice, ask questions, and celebrate this true story of hope.

At GiveSendGo, our mission is to “share the hope of Jesus through crowdfunding,” and Jesus’ ultimate act of generosity—dying on the cross for us and rising three days later—is the hope we are passionate about sharing. While GiveSendGo is for EVERYONE this hope is the heartbeat of our mission and the reason behind everything we do. Is it yours?  
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