Our parents lost all as 30 year home burns down


 USD $100,000


 USD $28,765

Campaign created by Amy Bohn

Campaign funds will be received by Amy Bohn

Our parents lost all as 30 year home burns down

Dear Family, Friends, and Compassionate Supporters,

We are devasted to share that our mom and dad, Richard and Linda King, lost their home of nearly 30 years in a fire yesterday in Prairie Grove, Arkansas. My mom designed this home, and we all helped build it. Their home burned to the ground. They lost everything. Their savings, my mom’s life work of paintings, family photos, family videos, dad’s collectibles, all of dad’s livelihood, his business documents and supplies, everything were also lost. His business is gone. Family heirlooms, it’s all gone. 

We don’t know how the fire started. All we know is Mom and Dad were resting, and then something was wrong. By the time they saw the smoke, they only had minutes before the house went up in flames. Dad got up and went down to the basement. It was all smoke. The fire had already started and was out of control without anything he could do to stop it. He couldn’t breathe because the smoke was so bad and in seconds the smoke was so thick, he couldn’t see. He quickly got out at the closest exit, which was the basement doors below the porch. By this point the fire was so bad, Dad could not go back, nor could he go through the front door in the event he needed to rescue mom.

At the same time, Mom was upstairs and got up and saw smoke billowing under the basement. She called 911 and they told her to get out immediately. Mom could not go back into the house and only had one option to escape. Luckily, she was able to escape to safety through the balcony porch ramp in the ice and snow. At this moment neither knew where each other were. It was dark outside. Dad started yelling from the basement to “get out” and mom was yelling for dad trying to make sure he didn’t go back in. For us as their kids, hearing that mom and dad were screaming to each other to get out, with neither able to go back in the house, is gut wrenching and terrifying. They’ve been married for almost 49 years. They didn’t know if the other was out of the house. As their children, family, and grandchildren, almost losing either one of them in this fire, evokes emotions like no other.

Moments later, they quickly found each other both out of the house, and watched as just minutes later, their house of nearly 30 years, holding all their life, belongings, and memories, went up in flames. The firefighters tried to do what they could. However, my parents watched in horror, in 6-degree freezing temperatures, as the top floor collapsed. It all happened so fast. After Mom and Dad watched the upper level of their house fall, the top floor was gone, the roof gone, the frame gone, their entire home of nearly 30 years burned to the ground.

There was nothing left anyone could do to stop the fire. In a matter of moments, the house went up in flames. They’ve lost everything. From the pictures, you can see there’s nothing left. They left with the clothes they had on, mom in slippers, dad’s cell phone, and their dog. Mom’s phone and computers burned in the fire. The only way to reach them right now is through Dad’s phone. The house has completely burned down, with nothing left but ashes, and has continued to burn any inch of the house left over the next few days. Understandably, they are devastated and are processing the reality, but are at peace that they are alive.

We praise God for his mighty mercy that our parents were protected. We are so grateful Mom and Dad made it out with their life. This is all so heartbreaking and devastating. Dad is almost 78 and mom is 73. Dad is a Vietnam veteran and served this country. Mom is a beautiful creative painter who has brought beauty to those she loves. It will take time to heal and rebuild. We are all figuring out what needs to be done and how to get everything organized to support them.

If you are among the many kind souls who are asking how you can be of help, donations are welcomed and deeply appreciated. They will help tremendously. For those of you who know our parents and our families, we will need your help to group source family pictures from 70+ years of life. Thank you to everyone for all the prayers and offers to help. Please give however you can to help mom and dad recover from this devastating and life altering fire.

It’s moments like this that puts life into perspective. We’re always so busy and occupied with our day to day lives. In minutes, everything can change. We are grateful and shaken to the core. This situation could have had a different outcome. One different decision could have resulted in one or both of our parents losing their life in this fire. We are continuing to process what’s happened. As an entire family, we are grieving the loss of the things that have deep meaning and are irreplaceable. We thank you for your concern, support, and offers to help. Please continue to pour out your love, prayers, and encouragement for them during this time.

All our love,

Amy & Mike, Melanie & Chad, Andrew

(Richard and Linda King’s daughters, their spouses, and son)

Financial Help: 

This link: https://givesendgo.com/ kingfamilyfire

Venmo: @Mike-Bohn-9

Clothing Help: 

It’s freezing cold right now in Arkansas.

Mom’s clothing size is size 14 in pants/jeans and size L/XL in tops. She needs turtlenecks, soft clothes, sweaters, warm clothes, coats, and size 8 ½ women’s shoes. She needs warm boots that are soft on her feet because of multiple foot surgeries.

Dad clothing size is (36/30 in jeans or 38/30) shoe size is 10, but he must wear special diabetic shoes. Funds to buy those shoes are the most helpful.


Group Source Photo link to come: 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
7 months ago

So sorry to hear about this, Amy. Good luck to your parents and your family in recovering from this tragedy, and I gather they escaped physical injury, a real blessing. With love, Barb & John

Ladapo family
$ 200.00 USD
9 months ago

We are sending you guys lots of love and good wishes!

Susan Sweetin
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Anabelle Steelman
$ 25.00 USD
11 months ago

Bill Fner
$ 25.00 USD
11 months ago

Debby Winters
$ 25.00 USD
11 months ago

Judith Paz
$ 25.00 USD
11 months ago

Kathy Short
$ 25.00 USD
11 months ago

Prayers for your family

Julie Tolleson
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
11 months ago

Carmen Nelson
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

Sally and Kelly Holland
$ 30.00 USD
11 months ago

We experienced a really bad fire on our family farm years ago which made us lose our livelihood. Our family chose to open a country store, because the insurance didn't cover all of the farming equipment that was lost in the fire. We lost the grainery, silos, tractors,etc. Our heart goes out to you and your family. Wish we could do more. You are in our thoughts and prayers! 🙏❤️🙏

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
11 months ago

Praying for you guys, so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
11 months ago

Cindy Thorsen
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

God bless and Godspeed. My heart goes out to you and your precious family. May the Lord mend your broken hearts and bring restoration to all areas of your lives. Love & Shalom. 💕🕊💕

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

Praying for the family.

Martinez Family
$ 25.00 USD
11 months ago

God Bless You!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
11 months ago


Update on Richard and Linda King

February 9th, 2024

Dear Family, Friends, and Kind Neighbors,

We wanted to give you an update on Mom and Dad. It’s been just over 3 weeks since their home unexpectedly burned down to the ground. Because of your generosity and community support, our parents were able to quickly have clothes to wear, a place to stay, and basic supplies. They have stayed in a hotel for the past few weeks until a few days ago. They were able to move into a temporary home rental which they will stay in for the next year. The insurance provided temporary furniture and items for the home. We are actively working with local churches, veteran’s groups, and friends to help them rebuild and stabilize.

They are sorting through the ashes as the weather will allow. They have found one intact vase, a few random pottery containers, and minor things. As you can see from the pictures, almost nothing is salvageable.
We have shared your loving messages and prayers with our parents. They are brought to tears by your generosity and giving to them in this time of need. My dad reflected on how usually they are the ones doing the giving and have never had to ask for anything. Mom is hoping to recreate some of her paintings this year. While the fire took away so much of our life memories, and the situation weighs heavily on our hearts, there are also so many blessings and silver linings.

Some of you may not know, but our brother Andrew has severe mental health challenges. He lived with our parents for the past five and half years. Just 2 weeks before the fire, he was miraculously placed in a long-term care unit, and was not at home when the fire happened. We all believe, that given his mental health and behavior patterns in the home, he would not have survived this fire had he been there.

In addition, experts have stated Mom and Dad got out of the home with 1 minute to spare before the fire could have taken their life. The fire was at least 1600 degrees based on the metals that melted. While it is tragic, and so many tears have been shed, we are filled with gratitude that their lives were spared. As their family, we’ve been to Arkansas to support them and saw the devastating result of the fire. They still need a lot of support as this will be a long road.

It has been inspiring to see close family friends, family, neighbors, or random strangers filled with compassion to support our parents. Only days after the fire, one gentleman overheard their story and gave mom the sweater from his car because she was cold. He was given the sweater during Hurricane Katrina where he lost everything, and someone gave it to him in his time of need.

Neighbors have been consistently and daily sorting through the ashes. Others in the community have brought meals every day for weeks. As their children and grandchildren, we’ve rallied around them and made multiple trips to see them, help with all logistics, and just love on them. The endless phone calls and texts have showered them with love from you all. Family has kindly donated flight miles and others have donated hotel points. Local veteran’s groups have called to give whatever they can, knowing Dad is fellow veteran in need. People who heard about the fire on a local radio show, walked donations in to help as soon as they heard. Others have organized lists of supplies and organized drop off locations. The idea of paying it forward has been fulfilled in such a touching way.

Their spirits have been lifted by your love and support. It is admirable to see them resilient, still standing, and even still smiling. What a lesson for us all. They wanted us to express their gratitude to you all. Please continue to pray for them.

With love and gratitude from all our family,
Amy Bohn
(Daughter to Richard and Linda King)

Update Update on Richard and Linda King Image

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