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Love Is...

Posted by Heather Wilson Co-Founder GiveSendGo on May 15th, 2018


Teresa M.
Dec 29, 2022, 4:08 PM

Hello fellow Grands raising these incredible little beings! We would like to say THANK YOU for the helping hand here during the holidays. We feel so blessed by the generous donation to help us make it through! We are raising 3 grandchildren for the past almost 8 years. It has drained our savings and resources are hard to come by since we are about 400 dollars over income to qualify for any assistance. My husband and I forfeit our Christmas gifts to make sure the little ones have Christmas. This gift warmed our heart and made the impact a little less stressful. I hope the givers realize what a difference they are making. They say it takes a village to raise a child. Thank You for being a part of that village making sure 3 more children are loved and cared for. So many are just forgotten. May God bless you ten fold for what you have given so generously. Words can never express what your donation meant to us. We are truly blessed and favored. Thank You Jesus!!

Paul Williams
Oct 20, 2022, 1:48 PM

Thank you Heather for making this platform available to us,. It couldn't have been easy but it's greatly appreciated!!!

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