 USD $750
 USD $795
Campaign funds will be received by Tifani McCauley
Several friends have helped rehabilitate dogs and find suitable adopters. I have helped foster a few tough cases. I prefer the method of rehabilitation to allow the dog to be confident, calm, and balanced prior to adoption. I train, but focus on behavior to heal from former abuse or neglect. This method allows me to build confidence, then I teach basic obedience. I allow the Veterinarians to do their job. I do mine: be a pack leader.
Location: Hot Springs, Arkansas
Goal: rehabilitate and foster dogs to find suitable adopters
Once again, my heart sings for this dog. I really appreciate hearing updates. My angels have told me they will watch out for him :) In the meantime, bless you for caring for this beautiful soul. Ya know, beautiful souls have a way of finding each other...
"This boy is doing amazing. I'm so thankful there are people who care as much as I do!" By Tifani McCauley
Thank you for helping these furry friends.
"Thank you for helping me to do this!" By Tifani McCauley
Thank you for being an LEO and a K9 officer and for taking care of this mistreated animal.
"I am thankful for my experience and knowledge about these breeds in order to give good boundaries and help him find balance." By Tifani McCauley
For the lovely Doberman, reminds me of one that I used to have. May consider taking him if we are the right match. Want him to have the best home, with me or not!!!!
"Keep up with me so I can inform you on his progress. He is a velcro dog but is already learning he is safe to lie down anywhere in the house." By Tifani McCauley
For the precious dobe.
"Thank you! He is doing very well. He is settling and enjoying the other animals." By Tifani McCauley
This donation is a transfer from multiple donors on my Facebook page !
February 3rd, 2025
Bruce has been filling out and I hope to get him into the vet office so I can get a new weight on him. I have attached a photo of Bruce and Patriot lounging on a rug in the living room.
Bruce and Archie had a fight over a ball and were asserting dominance. Bruce ended up with a minor puncher wound and a swollen front leg. His recent history of little food and low nutrients allowed his body to react more severely to this minor injury. If he was healthy, his body would have reacted much differently.
After the Give Send Go transfer, I am still negative $41.59. This is a low number and I am very thankful. I have been keeping a Google Sheets record of my spending and the deposits from this fund. I will make this available to anyone who asks. I have photos or screen shots of my purchases as well. I did not think it was as much as it was, but I added in the 3 pounds of ground beef and 3 pounds of chicken breast I used of my own groceries the first two weeks he was here. I wanted him to have real meat as his first few meals to ensure his body was able to not only heal and gain weight, but flush out any unhealthy foods he took in while fending for his life.
January 15th, 2025
Bruce Lee (the superior martial artist) broke his back in a fight. His wife came to the hospital while he recovered and wrote down all the ideas he had to recover mentally so his body would follow. This is how I plan to help Bruce recover also. He needs a good leader who teaches him boundaries as well as what love truly is. This is balance. This builds confidence. This allows the body to heal also.
Today, 1/14/25, Bruce had his first veterinary visit. The Doc said he was obviously under weight and should be closer to 80 or even 90 pounds. Doc also said he was heartworm negative!! He does have hookworm parasites, but he meds to take care of this is much cheaper. Thank you Jesus! This is the primary reason we have not seen Bruce gain weight over the last two weeks he has been fed at a normal rate. Hookworm parasites steal nutrients and starve the animal. He received three vaccines that will not affect him even at his lower weight.
I will start an Amazon wish list for Bruce soon.
January 11th, 2025
I was able to get a vet appointment with Temperance Hill Veterinary Clinic on Wednesday January, 15. I hope he has gained weight by then so the vet can get him some basic vaccinations and scan him for a chip. I'll do research on any possible owner if he has a chip. The Dobie has continued to do well around my dogs, my cats, and my chickens. He gets excited like my dobie, Archie, if the cat runs. But simple firm verbal commands stop the intensity. He has been off leash since the second day I had him. He follows my dogs as well as comes to me easily. He does not seem to be in pain and does not struggle to keep up with my dogs. He sleeps through the night and has not had even one accident in the house. This marks one full week with me. He skin looks better and is much less dry. I'm still working on that with food and coconut oil on his skin. I am considering calling him Bruce after Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee broke his back and worked very hard to recover and become strong again. I believe all dogs have this ability since they naturally live in the moment and have a natural desire to recover and heal.
January 11th, 2025
I was able to get a vet appointment with Temperance Hill Veterinary Clinic on Wednesday January, 15. I hope he has gained weight by then so the vet can get him some basic vaccinations and scan him for a chip. I'll do research on any possible owner if he has a chip. The Dobie has continued to do well around my dogs, my cats, and my chickens. He gets excited like my dobie, Archie, if the cat runs. But simple firm verbal commands stop the intensity. He has been off leash since the second day I had him. He follows my dogs as well as comes to me easily. He does not seem to be in pain and does not struggle to keep up with my dogs. He sleeps through the night and has not had even one accident in the house. This marks one full week with me. He skin looks better and is much less dry. I'm still working on that with food and coconut oil on his skin. I am considering calling him Bruce after Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee broke his back and worked very hard to recover and become strong again. I believe all dogs have this ability since they naturally live in the moment and have a natural desire to recover and heal.
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