Supporting Shannon Stubbe's health journey
In Oct 2024 Shannon started having a dry cough that was causing her trouble breathing and being able to do everyday activities. After going to the Dr many times and just being told she had fluid on her lungs and trying many things to help with the breathing and the fluid not clearing from around her lungs, She decided to go outside they system and get another opinion and new eyes to see if they could help eliminate the struggle to breathe.
On Jan 6th a Cat -Scan was done and it was determined very quickly from the scan that her left lung wasn’t functioning because of the high amount of fluid surrounding it. The right lung was also starting to accumulate fluid around it as well.
There was also fluid building up in her abdomen.
Due to this scan many things were looked at and this created a ripple effect to get to why and how this was happening.
Shannon ended up spending a few days in the hospital that week and waiting on biopsy and test results.
Shannon was then diagnosed with stage 4 Ovarian cancer. This was a very unexpected diagnosis and shock to the whole family.
They trust that this didn’t come as a surprise to the Lord but that he will guide and walk with them through this new journey.
This account has been set up to help with the medical and. financial expenses. This will help with expenses occurring due to this diagnosis.
Knowing the family has just been down another health journey with their son and receiving a new kidney this past July this is a little overwhelming. All your support is appreciated and they are grateful for each of you. Thank you for supporting and coming alongside the family in this challenging new health journey.
Shannon and family