New smile


 USD $5,000


 USD $990

Campaign created by Joshua Rogers

New smile

If you're reading this you must in one way or another know or have been blessed by Patrick Johnson. Wether he has prayed with or for you in the prayer ministry. Maybe you've served with him giving back to the homeless through many outreach programs. He's greeted you and countless others at the front doors of our church both the main sanctuary and Anthem. Maybe you and your soon to be young adult have been blessed by his leadership in our pathfinder program. Or maybe you've run into him in the kitchen always giving a helping hand and ready to be the hands and feet of Christ. Wherever you may know Patrick from I'm sure you know his kind and generous heart. 

 When my wife and I were knew to the Seventh Day Adventist Church we knew a small handful of people. Patrick was one of the first outside that small few, and from the very moment Patrick made it his goal and mission to make sure we were taken care of. He showed us the true meaning of true Christian hospitality and has reflected the very image of what it means to be a disciple of Christ. His willingness to help goes beyond oneself and he does not hesitate to put you first ahead of himself in any aspect of life. 

If you know Patrick you know exactly what I mean and I am not even touching the surface. 

Our brother needs our help: 

*Patrick* if your reading this which I hope your not because its supposed to be a surprise, I apologize for telling your personal story" 

Some time ago Patrick was affected by a cancer in his face which cost him his salivary glands. Through chemotherapy treatments and radiation he remained strong in his faith. Praise the LORD he was able to survive such an ordeal. I thank God that He gave Patrick the endurance and the healing he needed to overcome this illness. Our community would not be the same without him. But as we all know some battles come with a price. The radiation treatment Patrick overcame has affected his Teeth. Unfortunately, overtime he has lost all his teeth except for his top and bottom front teeth. Eventually they will all fall out due to the side effects of the radiation. 

I am reminded of this verse;

Proverbs 3:27   " Do not withhold good from those whom it is due, when it is in your power to act."   

I am reaching out to our family and friends to extend an invitation to help us give good to whom I feel it is due. I don't want to get into Patrick's personal life more than I already have, he is on a fixed income and like many of us is struggling in his own way. I fear he may never have the means to do this on his own. Matter of a fact I know he wouldn't, just as I am unable to pay for it myself. Family and friends of Patrick, this is why I come to you and ask if you would help our dear friend/ brother. If you are able, if not please do not fret, but if you can please share with someone you may. 

May the LORD bless you abundantly and keep you in His righteous right hand. 

Joshua Rogers 


Recent Donations
Joshua and Rebekah
$ 190.00 USD
5 days ago

James Bang
$ 200.00 USD
6 days ago

Brad and Donna
$ 500.00 USD
15 days ago

New Smile
$ 100.00 USD
19 days ago


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