Helping Glashower Family Find Housing


 USD $5,000


 USD $936

Campaign created by Michelle Hartwig

Campaign funds will be received by Michelle Hartwig

Helping Glashower Family Find Housing

Hi. We're Michael & Michelle. We have 5 kids. Due to a problematic landlord not fixing house essentials (leaky pipes, holes in roof and back of cabinet) which caused an extraordinary high utility bill for 4 months, we're now on the streets. We need help to get a roof over our heads. We're a Biblical Christian family. Our children are wise to Satan's wiles. 

We know Jesus Christ provides for our needs. We continue to cling to Him. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
2 months ago

From Celerystalk on Call's Page... because right now, we can still help!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 51.00 USD
5 months ago

$ 85.00 USD
5 months ago

Thanks for helping me with my preps in the "Prepping Forum", it's not too active but I really appreciate your help! That said, you deserve all the help you can get! Great person!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Kay Dee
$ 500.00 USD
5 months ago

Hope this helps, all the best as you figure out the best way forward. "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

$ 10.00 USD
5 months ago

Praising Yah in good times and in storms. Praying for you and your beautiful family! Shalom (found you from Call’s website!


Chellekabob & Mote 🐢

October 1st, 2024

No update on housing as of yet. 

I fell into our firepit and was skewered a bit. Lots of lidocaine and 6 stitches later, I could go home. Now, those stitches are out, but there's still some concern: it's not closing up. Everything else about my wound is fine, though. I still have to keep that knee straight, so I feel like a tired out penguin a lot, lol! 

We're living as frugally as 7 people can, but our funds are going faster than we have income (and we do as Mike works). Please share our story! 

Please keep us in prayer - we need a hedge of Jesus's protection and invisibility from Satan's agents for the next while. I won't have internet to update during that time. Thanks to all who have and are praying!

Here's a picture of Mote, a boxer turtle our 8yo found. 

I almost forgot: I witnessed to the guy who removed my stitches. Pray for him, too. 

Update Chellekabob & Mote 🐢 Image

September 21st, 2024

We may have found a house well & truly big enough for us AND it fits our budget! We've asked the seller for more info, so please pray about it for us. Whatever is Jesus's Will. 

Update Housing? Image
Extended Camping

September 13th, 2024

The campground has decided to allow us to stay for the whole three weeks! That's going to enable us to go for a Rent-To-Own (RTO) that we really want. Praise Jesus! 

All this fresh air is doing our family a world of good. My fitness level is improving, everyone wakes up in a better mood, we're all way less groggy, and we have daily mini-adventures. One of them was catching teeny fishes in the near-dried up creek bed. It's a tiny pond right now. 

We truly appreciate everyone who is praying for us! Those who donate to us will have a small thank you memorial, so we can remember to pray for you by name. I'd do that for the ones only praying, too, but most people don't let on about that, so we'll just be thanking God for their time and asking His protection over them & all of you. 

Please keep us lifted in prayer. 

Update Extended Camping Image
Our First Campfire Breakfast As A Family Of 7

September 11th, 2024

Nothing beats a campfire 🔥 meal! We had sausage & eggs cooked in cast iron 🍳 over an open fire. It was delicious! God even thought of me and added a leaf to my plate. It was amusing. 

Update Our First Campfire Breakfast As A Family Of 7 Image
Camping Possibly

September 9th, 2024

We tried to get another extended stay, but it fell through. We stayed a a Quality Inn (recommended!) last night. Today, we're going to see if we can stay at a campground 🏕️ for a few weeks. We plan to go see the RTOs during that time and try for one, so we never get into this renting mess again. 

Our children are handling things very well, all things considered! We're so happy with them. They've really pulled together and are supporting each other with praise songs, a shoulder to cry on, and huge to make it all better. It melts my heart to watch them. 😍

Below is a pic of a male praying mantis our 10yo daughter spotted & identified, thanks to watching AntsCanada. This is her photograph. 

Update Camping Possibly Image
What To Do?

September 8th, 2024

We're in a different motel tonight. Weighing our options, praying, and deciding what to do. We'll likely be trying to get a Rent-To-Own place. It's the when we have to figure out. If y'all want updates, follow our story. I'll (Michelle) update as I can (shooting for once a day or when something major happens).

Thank you so much for your prayers. Prayer is our most powerful tool, so please keep us in your list for now. 

We genuinely appreciate the financial support. Without the help of you guys, we would be on the streets without any money. At least now, we can realistically plan our way out of this mess. Thank you all!

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.