USD $5,000
USD $840
We have another court date (Feb. 24). This one's a preferential setting (opposing counsel can't reschedule, and must appear), so we should have a ruling this time.
Previous funds have been used up (court appearances, discovery, filings, communications), and our lawyer’s new firm (better at family law) needs a $10K retainer. We've received $6,900 so far and are again working on the funding to secure these girls’ future.
The (summarized) background story is below. Feel free to ask questions (private response for legally sensitive issues) or for updates.
Remaining need: $3,184
BTC: 0x5b420F5e6Bb462fCAa30C0FF893ee50e1470135C
Questions?: text 970-541-1273
Six plus years ago, Ben and Casey brought two little girls into their home. They have been working on the adoption and have funded the legal fees through stimulus money, W-2, CC points, credit card debt, and support from generous donors (including a virtual jungle on twitter/X!). This cost has been in excess of $30,000 so far (contested adoption).
We hoped that amount would fund completely through adoption, but the court date got pushed back again, and additional issues came up (discovery) that require preparation time and presentation to the court (good for the case, not for the wallet).
The upcoming court date (preferential setting this time) is set for February 24-25th. The retainer required by the new law firm is $10,000 to fund the case. Anything left over will be refunded. Our lawyer has been very transparent with the charges, and on occasion has been able to avoid billing some of the costs.
A very generous (and super awesome!) supporter who’s been there from early on has already donated towards this amount!
We have set our fundraising goal higher than the amount needed for court to allow support for the post court expenses, needs, and other items.
Every little bit helps! Ten or twenty dollars goes a long way. We are grateful for your prayers and support!
Remaining legal costs: $10,000 needed - $6,900 = remaining need of $3,184 (includes transfer fee)
3rd party money transfer fees (from Give, send, go) = 2.7% ($84)
Celebration party with the siblings (post adoption) = A few hundred
Post adoption getaway to bond, discuss, and process everything = $1000-ish
Debt payoff = Remainder
God bless you all
Prayers for succes
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