Mission work in Utila Honduras


 USD $1,500


 USD $765

Campaign created by Gracie Boesch

Campaign funds will be received by Gracie Boesch

Mission work in Utila Honduras

Hi!!! I'm reaching out to let you know about a fantastic opportunity I have to serve internationally. I will be leaving to Utila, Honduras from February to April 2025 to work alongside 3 of my friends from high school. I will be working with a coffee shop called Rio Coco Café, to serve the local community and share the love of Jesus. Rio Coco Café is a relational ministry that aims to not only serve coffee, but to connect with costumers and show the love of Jesus to everyone who walks through their doors.

Through our interactions, we desire to cultivate authentic connections, share the gospel, and be a light for Christ. In addition to the work at the café, we hope to host Bible studies, worship, game nights and many more outreach projects that will in hopes give us the outlet to bless and support others in the area.

One of my greatest desires has been to combine my love for traveling the world with my love for Jesus. Now, as this opportunity becomes a reality, I am reaching out to seek your partnership in my mission. Specifically, I am asking for your support in two ways:

1. Prayer – As we serve the island of Utila, please pray for the security, unity and efficiency of our team. Ask that the Lord will guide us in all that we do in Utila and for open hearts from everyone we encounter. Ask that the Lord be exalted above all and that He is the primary object of everyone’s attention and desire.

2. Financial Support – I’m raising funds to cover travel expenses, living costs, and outreach activities. Through contributions, I will be able to reach Utila and achieve the purpose the Lord has set in my heart. Any support to my mission, no matter the size, is incredibly appreciated and will help our team at Rio Coco fulfill the mission God has placed on our heart’s.

I appreciate your consideration of this incredibly thrilling opportunity. I am very grateful for all of your prayers, time, and kindness. I appreciate your support as I take this bold move.

With love,

Gracie Boesch 

772-241-4808  graciekate810@gmail.com

To Donate: give here! or see below about sending in checks.

You may send your support via checks (with my name in the memo) to Seek The Lamb, POB 2151, Vero Beach FL 32961

Seek the Lamb is the ministry that runs Rio Coco Café and is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation. Your donations are tax-deductible.

**to read more about the ministry and owners, see below**

From the President of Seek the Lamb Ministry, Michael Bagby:

Dear friends of Gracie,

We are going to the Western Caribbean Island of Utila in February for a mission.

Utila lies 18 miles offshore from La Ceiba Honduras and is part of the Bay Islands, a former British colony that has become a major scuba and free dive destination due to the deep blue water and abundant coral formations. Tourists from all over the world come to Utila for their open water, divemaster and instructor certification.

My family lived in La Ceiba for 14 years when we started our primary education project along the Coco River in the extreme eastern part of Honduras and Nicaragua in 1986. Utila was a 15-minute flight in our four-seat Piper Pacer, and we would go on the weekends to enjoy the underwater scenery. We began to meet divers from Europe, Israel, Australia, England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, Argentina, and the U.S. We realized that the world is coming to Utila and sensed that the Lord wanted us to open a coffee shop there and engage this international crowd of young people who were mostly professionals who have taken time off from their careers for an adventure.

We opened the Rio Coco Café in August of 2011, and We are located in the middle of six dive schools. We have served coffee, baked goods, breakfast and lunch to friends from every country in Europe as well as from many countries in South America and Asia. Many have attended our music and video nights, and shared many dinners at our home. We have had many conversations with our friends regarding our spiritual lives, have invited them to our Bible studies, and made long lasting relationships that have resulted in life changes for many. It's being Salt & Light through a hospitality ministry that has proven to be very effective.

We plan to open the café in February and remain until mid-April, and to reopen the café in June for the summer and fall. Honduras visas are good for three months and can be renewed We open the Rio Coco Café at 7 am, with the dive boats leaving their docks at 7:45-8:15. There is often a crowd at our gate when we open and another rush at 10:30 when the divers return. Many come for Laura's special lunch menu. We close at 2:30, and then head to the market to purchase all the veggies and supplies needed for the next day.

Gracie will need about $1500 for travel to Utila as well as about $300/month in other living expenses. We will provide her with housing, some meals, and all the coffee she wants. Most of all, she will need your prayers as we serve this international crowd.

I encourage you to join Gracie’s  support team. There will be eternal rewards for all.

Please contact me with any questions at gmbagby@gmail.com.


Michael Bagby

Recent Donations
$ 200.00 USD
6 days ago

Pete and Lori
$ 295.00 USD
8 days ago

We're excited for your opportunity to go and look forward to hearing about it along the way!

Denyse Armstead
$ 100.00 USD
11 days ago

Praying that your time in South America blesses you girls as much as it blesses others!

Rachel Bartels
$ 100.00 USD
13 days ago

Courtney Jones
$ 20.00 USD
18 days ago

Prayers for a safe and memorable trip, Gracie! Thank you for making a difference. With love, The Jones Family :)

Anna Barton
$ 50.00 USD
18 days ago

Go with God, Gracie! All my love, Auntie Anna (Your mom's cohort sister)


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