Supporting the Hernández Family


 USD $260

Campaign created by Tiffany Hollingsworth

Supporting the Hernández Family

Hi, so my friends and Neighbors have had a very tough year with pets. When I met them, they had 3 amazing dogs who were their family members, Tartar, Wrigley and Chuey. Well, last year, they lost Tartar to heart failure. This was tough for everyone! Then, in October they came home from dinner to find that Wrigley had passed away in his sleep. Everyone was crushed by this, including their Bully, Chuey. He lost his friends and became an only dog overnight. They couldn’t stand to watch him broken hearted looking for his friends. They came across Nova, a beautiful Bully puppy that needed to join their family as much as they needed her to join them. They brought her home and hearts were healed. Tears turned to laughter and Chuey was back to his normal self having a friend again. They quickly bonded and were inseparable. Well, a few days ago they noticed Nova wasn’t breathing right and they took her to an Emergency vet only to get devastating news. Nova has an enlarged heart and her lungs were full of fluid making it almost impossible to breathe. The vet said that she will either need open heart surgery or they can make her comfortable and give her 6 months to live. This family has been through so much and the bills are already outrageous. The surgery will be between $10k-$15k and might not be the end. I know you can’t put a price on a family member but this time of year is hard for everyone financially. I am asking for any kind of donation to help them get the answers needed and help them keep their family member that healed their broken hearts from losses of their other dogs. Anything helps and if you could spread the word that would be amazing. 

Recent Donations
Kristin Kocher
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Sending positive, healing energy to your adorable fur baby! Keeping your family in my thoughts.

Mary and Jared
$ 40.00 USD
1 month ago

So sorry for the pain this is causing you.

Brian and Spenser
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Sending so much love to yall. Everything will be okay.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying your sweet baby gets better

Julie Salvatore
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Love you, Aubrey! I know your heart for your sweet pups! Praying for your sweet family.

$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago


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