Onyx Hospitalization Bills


 USD $15,000


 USD $2,484

Campaign created by Meagan Gates

Campaign funds will be received by Meagan Gates

Onyx Hospitalization Bills

For those who do not know, Onyx, our lovable Husky was experiencing prolonged diarrhea and an upset stomach. Over the course of several weeks, in spite of my best efforts, he was not recovering. Over time he started to look ghastly and eventually stopped eating. There became a point where we knew we were not equipped to nurse him back to health, or figure out what was going on, so we took him to the hospital. They placed him on fluids and medication to help him stabilize. Then vets then began a series of test and x-rays to help diagnose what exactly was going on with him. Results showed no poisons, parasites, organ failure, and blood work looked good. But he still needed their care, so he was staying night after night, and they continued to run test after test to diagnose his ailment. Over the last week in the hospital, it became apparent that either Onyx would recover with time, or not at all. No tests gave us a clear indication of what had happened, and our best prognosis was he had suffered from irritable bowel symptom, or has irritable bowel dieses. So we began giving him steroids, and a lot of other medication to help treat this theory. But he couldn't stay at the hospital forever, as every night there was thousands of dollars a night. This left us with the challenging decision to bring him home, in spite of needing a lot of care on our part, and a lot of faith that things in his gut are repairing.

Onyx is such a huge part of our family, our community, and our twitch channel. When he was sick, we knew we needed to get him help to recover, and to diagnose what exactly is going on with him. His time at the hospital has been an incredible burden on our finances, one that even with our savings, we cannot recover alone. The cost primarily came from checking what could have been the cause of his ailment and stabilizing him so that diagnosis and healing could happen. The vets attempted many different methods to bring him the highest possibility of recovery. The vets were able to get him stable, slowly increase food intake, and keep him on fluids. And as he is at home, we plan to continue these treatments to continue providing him the highest possibility of recovery at home.

Your charity and generosity will help us recover from this traumatic ordeal. I'm so sorry we even need to ask, but we can't do this alone. Please, even if you only have a small amount, every little bit helps.

We cannot even begin to express what you all and Onyx means to us. Thank you for any amount you can give. Donovan and I are trying our best to get through this, we won't give up on our boy. We will continue to do everything we can to see him smiling, his tail wagging, and hear his husky singing.

Recent Donations
$ 30.00 USD
2 months ago

The James Family
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago


$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Bentley - Dad of Papalymo
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

You were gone too soon. I'm going to miss you big fella, you were always a joy to see and I cannot thank you enough for teaching my little Corgi boy some manners.

$ 7.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
3 months ago

Schnitzel AKA Video-Synth
$ 15.00 USD
3 months ago

I can't give much but I'm praying for Onyx.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago


$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Rabid Savage
$ 5.00 USD
3 months ago

$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

Glad there is a bit of recovery for the good boy. Give him all the hugs from me and head pats. I will be keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Hope this little bit of funds will help.

$ 170.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
3 months ago

We shall answer the call!!!!!!!!!!!

Jonathan Nelson
$ 15.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
3 months ago

I understand what it is like when our furry companions need medical attention. I pray that Onyx will have a full and speedy recovery.

RPG Rooster
$ 5.00 USD
3 months ago

I wish I could help more!

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
3 months ago

$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago


Onyx Update #2

November 26th, 2024

It is with an incredibly heavy heart that I have to inform you guys that this afternoon we had to put Onyx down. In spite of every effort on our part and the vets part we were not able to get Onyx to eat, and his body continued to deteriorate from the illness that was attacking him. We were not able to 100% know what exactly was hurting him, but he spent his last moments with Don and I, his Grammy and Papa, Lana, and his puppy friends. Donovan and I are filled with grief, as he was taken from us much too soon.

We will continue to walk forward, but Onyx will always remain in our hearts. His ashes will be sprinkled over an apple orchard, and his remains returned to the earth. I know that we did everything we could for him, and I hope you all find comfort in that. He was the very best boy, and he loved you all. He loved to sing for you, loved your cookie redeems, and until his very last moments he was a strong big boy.

We will do our best to continue streaming, and brining joy to everyone as we heal from this tremendous loss in our family. Onyx was 6 years old and would have been 7 in February. He will forever be remembered as our first Husky baby of many more to come. 

Please use this thread to share for our boy, he may not be with us anymore, but he is always in our memories, and our hearts. We will continue to keep his donation page open, so if you are led to help, it will always be appreciated. Thank you all, and we pray for peace in your souls as well as ours.

Romans 14:8

If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.


Meg, Don, Lana, and Clyde.

Update Onyx Update #2 Image
Onyx Update #1

November 14th, 2024

Today we increased the amount of liquid food we are giving Onyx, and he seems to be responding to it ok! We are close to reaching his required caloric intake, and I believe I'm seeing a change in his behavior because his stomach is getting sustenance.

-CAUTION- this post will be kind of gross, we are talking about poo here! You have been warned. 

Some of the biggest changes I'm seeing since he came home is he is irritable when sitting still for medications, and even whines a bit. I know that sounds bad, but before he would do nothing at all, and was incredibly lethargic. It feels as though his personality is beginning to resurface, albeit very slowly, but I'm feeling it return. He also seems to be responding to when he dribbles from him bum (diarrhea) and wants to lick it clean. I of course have been cleaning him when this happens, but his response to it happening is new. 

His dribble poo diarrhea is usually while he is sitting, relaxing, and after feedings. It also seems to happen a little bit after giving him his prescribed medicine. Sometimes, he will go for hours without a dribble, like yesterday while we were streaming. It's kind of inconsistent right now, but as days go by we will see how things change and if the dribbles slow. If he can get to the point where he is consistently holding everything in until he gets outside, then that will be a big improvement in the poo area. At that point, it will then be about getting the diarrhea to stop altogether. 

Another thing he did today - HE DRANK WATER ALL BY HIMSELF! This is huge because he was getting all of his fluids via under the skin yesterday. And hydration is super important when you have diarrhea, even for people! 

The next really big milestone we are hoping and praying for is to see him eat some food on his own. Even a nibble. This will be a clear indication that we can ween him off his current liquid diet, and start getting real food back in his stomach. He is currently being treated for IBD, so the food and medication reflects this. Even though Onyx cannot exactly tell us what he needs, we are hoping this is a bit of light in the darkness of his recovery.

Thank you for reading, and thank you all for your generosity! It means so much to us, and every time I see an update I cant even begin to describe the joy and relief it brings me. Every note, every prayer, every anonymous act of love, it brings me to tears.

Meg, Don, Onyx, Lana, and Clyde.
Update Onyx Update #1 Image

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