USD $5,000
USD $3,290
Campaign funds will be received by Alyssa Martinez
Hello, my name is Phoenix. A couple of months ago I suffered a stroke, and since then it has been extremely hard to do anything I need to do. I'm immobile and I have been trying to find some sort of outpatient therapy, or anything to get me back to 100%.
It's been very difficult on me and I'm very worried about the next steps from here. With your support maybe I can get back on track faster.
God bless you.
Hope you’re soon on the mend!
Praying for you snd your family!
Give your struggles to God. Fights are easier when we fight on our knees, Jesus’ name. God has changed my life and all it took was praying to Him often, seeking Him first. You’ll watch blessings fall into place like never before. You can heal. I am praying for you.
Don't struggle in silence. Very sorry you're going through a hard time.Ask for help... Praying for your recovery
Twitter bro lending a hand
I give as I am able. May God bless you and remember he is always by your side. Trust in HIM above all else and the truth will be made clear.
Praying for you, Phoenix!
I follow you on Twitter under my pseudonym.
It sucks to need help. I wish I could give more.
Praying you find some comfort and the things you need. Donating because Amiri King considers you a friend. That’s good enough in my book.
We have all been there brother, and one good way to banish the darkness is to let in the light, I will pray for you and may Gods light guide you and keep you safe.
Be well brother. We’re here for you
Get well soon brother.
You got this!
The Phoenix always rises. Stay strong man!
I pray for healing and tender mercies.
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