USD $1,375
Campaign funds will be received by VFW Post 4136
VFW Post 4136 is a non-profit organization that helps local veterans in Eastland County and surrounding areas get the support and assistance they need. All funds raised help VFW Post 4136 serve Eastland County Veterans as well as our community as a whole.
For t-shirt
Raffle ticket # 325-669-5777
Best of Luck. I try to pick a campaigns that speaks to me and since I work with veterans it said why not?
"Thank you so much. If you will email you a copy of your raffle ticket :) " By Daniel Franco
I served with CSM(r) Tolbert and I’m a fellow VFW member! I know how it goes. Good luck!
"Thank you ma'am, I will send a picture of your raffle tickets and numbers to the email you provided. Thanks again " By Daniel Franco
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