Supporting Kenny Rogers Cancer Treatment


 USD $50,000


 USD $12,300

Campaign created by Katie Rogers

Campaign funds will be received by Katie Rogers

Supporting Kenny Rogers Cancer Treatment

Kenny Rogers, a husband  and father of 3 young children, is on 100% commission for work. His wife is home with the children and homeschools. He has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Their journey started a year and half ago. With his treatment so far, he has not been able to work. We want to rally around the family to meet any financial needs they may have during this time.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Woodland Creek Neighbor

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Your Woodland Creek neighbors love you & are praying for you. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Praying for complete & total healing in Jesus’ name

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Your Woodland Creek neighbors love you and are continuing to pray for you

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Continuing to pray for complete & total healing

Woodland Creek Neighbor
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Continuing to pray for complete & total healing

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

Continuing to pray

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
9 months ago

Matt and Andrea Meyer
$ 500.00 USD
9 months ago

We hope your recovery continues to be successful and your health steadily improves!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
9 months ago

Your Woodland Creek neighbors are praying for you ❤️

Hylton Family
$ 100.00 USD
9 months ago

Praying for you all.

Woodland Creek neighbor
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Continuing to pray for y’all 🙏❤️🙏

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
$ 500.00 USD
10 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
10 months ago

Love you guys and continuing to pray for your family as a whole

Optical Friend
$ 50.00 USD
10 months ago

TK Brothers in Christ
$ 250.00 USD
10 months ago

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am you God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.

Woodland Creek Neighbor
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

Continuing to pray for y’all 🙏❤️🙏

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

Stay strong and keep your faith strong!

A friend
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

Praying praying praying


Update #31

December 12th, 2024

God is real, and so is the struggle, yes it's real!!! As a wife, and caregiver in a journey such as ours, where does one start? Sometimes we just need to be, be what? Normal! How does one do such a thing? I wish I knew!!! I'm tired, worn thin, out of shape, don't sleep well, emotionally drained, and trying to work through the struggles this journey has brought to our kids, on top of thinking that my husband is in denial! 

Yes, denial! As our oldest son and I, sit on the floor listening to Dad talk with Mayo Clinic, he looks at me and says, "Mom, aren't you going to say anything?" I smile, "No son, their is no point. Dad remembers things so differently than we do, and we know what we're dealing with." The fact is, this journey is far from over!!!! 

Yes, we know who holds tomorrow, and the days after! We know we're not walking alone! We know!!!! This isn't anger talking, these are real things, that real people deal with, when walking such a journey as we are. We continue to see the Lord's hand at work every day!!! Kenny is a walking testimony and miracle to be her with us today! We will continue to scan every three months. (Next scan will be in February) The last two scans, have stayed consistent, with nothing spreading!!! Yeah God!!! He will have permanent issues with bowels, which life functions around, along with pain, the cold hurting and mental focus fuzz. 

This Summer and Fall, we as a family have been able to be together outside a bit more. Yet, it wears Kenny quickly! Being a home educator for our children, it has been better, than the past two years. This Fall, the kids decided we were going to dress up as Pacman and ghost. Such fun! In the last four weeks we have been able to celebrate our daughter turning 11, and having her first sleepover. The Lord blessed the evening with the BEST group of girls!!! Then our boys, turned 10 and 8. We called, for all the Rebellions to join us for training and meal! Can you guess what the theme was?! 

As we settle down from parties and move in to Christmas, may our focus be on the True Story of Christmas!!! JESUS, the one and only son that can give us life! 

We continue to ask for prayer that the Lord's will be done, what are eyes to stay focused, the Drs, discernment, sleep, health, direction, stillness, peace, patients with one another, our kids emotional well-being, our debt, and all provisions to be met. We thank each and every one of you for standing with us. We love you all!!!

Update #30

July 8th, 2024

We have been home right over two months. Kenny's side effects from chemo/radiation treatment, lasted a few weeks. Yet, the last two years have really taken a toll on his body. The neuropathy pain in his hands continue to affect him, along with his bowels. He lacks stamina and strength, but overall looks good. 

The kids have admitted, they were afraid Daddy wasn't going to be coming home. Questioning, Why does he have to have cancer, when is he going to die and why does he have to die. Wow, right?! I explained, there are times in life that we are not going to understand what God is doing, yet we choose to stay focused on what he is doing, continue to trust that whatever the outcome is, God will use it for our good and in the end, God has the final say!!!

I hit a wall of emotions, after returning home. Not having a packed schedule of appointments and treatments for Kenny. Feeling lost and overwhelmed set in! Priorities have been so different for the past 2 years. That things around our home have been put on the back burner. While working through this, I lost my fur baby on Monday, June 16th. 

Snickers was my sidekick!! I'm soooo grateful I was able to have Snickers with me while we were in Rochester for the month! 

Through these struggles, I felt the Lord say get out, I will provide!!! I packed up the family and we headed to Table Rock Lake. Our family has never been there. It was the most peaceful time we've had since our journey started! We stayed in this hole in the wall resort, which was perfect. Kenny was able to handle the temperature of the water 🙌 and the Lord provided!! With that being said, we were able to take the kids canoeing, rent a boat, tube with the kids and fish!!!! This time together away from everything was desperately needed!!!!!! Thank you to everyone that helped us achieve this time together as a family. It will be remembered forever!!! 

As Kenny is starting to feel better, I ask that you pray for his stamina, strength, discernment and for him to allow his self Grace! Pray for our family as a whole, and the kids individually. That God provides a way for us to continue to make lasting memories with Dad, our eyes to stay fixed on the Lord, doctors, testing on August 7th, strength, rest, help where needed, and needs to be met. We thank you and love you all dearly! 🙏 

Update #29

May 5th, 2024

On our way home!!! It seems like we haven't been gone long. Yet, at the same time it seems like it's been forever! 

Our family has made it this far, due to our Great, Great Father! We are so grateful for His continuous hands that hold our family! 

The past four weeks have been amazing, exhausting, and trying at times. Yet, we continue to see the Lord at work! We have an amazing care team, and Drs. with the ability to share lots of laughs, hugs and even a few tears! Kenny has handled chemo/radiation like a champ. He's been tired with a lot more nausea this round, likeliness the radiation. Pray as he goes into the next 4-6 weeks. That is when most side affects take place, and extreme exhaustion sets in! 

You know every time I update, I find myself reminiscing about this journey, and how perfect God's timing is, ALWAYS! In our first week, we were staying in the town of New Hampton, Iowa. A friend of a friends! Our family was welcomed with unconditional love, visits, meals and support. The best was, that new friendships were made! In our last week, we had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful people. One is a young lady, Bella, 11 years old. She has a rare cancer that had been sitting dormant behind her left eye. Bella is currently in her first, of six weeks of chemo/radiation. This little girl, has a face of an angel, and her smile lights up the room. We also met, Darnell and Mary. They became our puzzle buddies and they just loved seeing our kids! Mary had a rare cancer find and finished her radiation Friday! Then there is Peggie. Peggie is the concierge for the radiology department. She would come out to welcome the kids and our family everyday! She just loved seeing the kids, spoiling them with snacks and playing Uno!! 

Well, Friday was our last day of treatment. Our understanding is that every 3 months he will have a follow-up scan. Depending on the findings, that will tell us where we go from there. Realization is that he will always be a cancer patient. Yet...we know the Lord has the final say! When Kenny finished 

his last treatment, staff came out to enjoy in the bell ringing celebration! 

As we continue to navigate this journey, continued prayers are greatly appreciated! Some things have come to light in the last 3 weeks and we will be seeking counsel for our children. Asking for discernment in this and that the right godly counsel is put in place. 

Thank you, everyone for standing with us! As we continue to navigate. We love you ALL!

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Update #28

April 4th, 2024

Due to the favor God has given us, and the amazing works of the Mayo Clinic, we are heading back Tuesday, April 9th. 

We will be meeting with a radiologist, having scan and starting treatment on Monday the 15th. The plan will be to return home over the weekend of May 5th.

This was quick and a lot for our kids! 

Prayer for the Lord's will to be done, our eyes stay fixed on the Lord, patience, trust, emotions, rest, medical staff, treatment, the right place to stay, travel, packing, everything here at home to fall into place well gone, and provisions for everything. 

We want to thank everybody standing with us in prayer and petition! The journey has been long, and the Lord continues to use it! PLEASE know that everything is greatly appreciated from prayers, calls, text, food, financial help, mowing, and fixing things! This journey is possible because of you ALL too! Thank you! We love you ALL! 

Update #27

April 3rd, 2024

The Lord is still at work, and showing his capabilities through this journey! Kenny is a miracle, and the doctors are admitting it, with amazement!!! We had a video conference today with the oncology team from Mayo Clinic. With that being said, Kenny has been off chemotherapy since the end of August, and we all agree that the next step is for chemo pill/radiation to take place. The Lord has shown us that the Mayo Clinic needs to be the ones performing this procedure! We are currently waiting to be scheduled for a video meeting with the Radiologist, a special scan to come up with a specific plan, and treatment to be schedule for our 3 and 1/2 week stay at the Mayo Clinic. 

After radiation is complete we will head home. Every two to three months he will have scans, to observe the mass. When things change, we will be back on a treatment plan. Long story short, we will continue to praise the Lord as this will be our journey till the Lord takes him. 

As we wait for appointments. We ask that you continue to pray for our children as their emotions and behaviors are strong right now. Yes, we will be taking the kids with us again. Pray as things fall into place and that needs are met, everything from doctors to travel.
Update #26

March 26th, 2024

Psalms 139

13. For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. 14. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. 15. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. 16. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. 17. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 18. If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you. 

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Update #25

March 26th, 2024

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Update #24

March 26th, 2024

Stint placement was successful yesterday!🙌 They went through the right side of his rib cage, the muscle, into the liver to access what they call the portal. We arrived back to the hotel around 6:00 PM. Our goal is to manage the discomfort, pain and nausea feeling. We have made the decision to stay another day to make sure these feelings are managed. Goal to head back Wednesday! 

Thank you for the continued prayers!😘

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Update #23

March 25th, 2024

Our journey started two years ago, and who thought we would be here today. Don't get me wrong it's been a long journey and so many levels of trials. Daily, the enemy wants to distract and destroy. Yet, we choose to stay fixed on The One who knows the end of our story. We know there is so much to be thankful for and the Lord will use our journey to reach others. Our God has been gracious and trustworthy every step of the way, even when we may not see it at the time. He is the healer of all things, big or small and we challenge everyone to seek and trust the great I AM! He wants you! 

Our experience at the Mayo Clinic has been exceptional! We have received care here, like no other place! There is not a single doctor, nurse, volunteer, security guard, valet parker, janitor, maintenance crew, or nun that does not love their job or us! The atmosphere is amazing, warm, inviting, unlike any other health care facility. The hospital, doesn't even come close to resembling one! The staff at all levels have welcomed us and the kids with open arms. Everything from sitting, visiting, snacks and wanting to serve them! Male understands health care at all levels and that this journey isn't just about the patient, it's about the spouse and kids too! 

In such an overwhelming experience, God's timing is always perfect! Wednesday morning while waiting, the kids and I needless to say obviously had new written all over us. A gentleman, Theron, stopped. The tears rolled, the emotional and mental weariness let loose! He reassured me of the great job I was doing, that we are in the right place, and we will get an answer! Within minutes, Theron and his wife Jennifer were sitting with the kids and I. This couple has been attending the Mayo Clinic for the past 3 years, with each of them having their own medical journeys. Theron was diagnosed with head / neck cancer. Since, the cancer has been removed and treatment has taken place. He will continue to be observed every 6 months. Jennifer was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and RA. Since, she has had valve replacement and treated for our a. She will continue to be observed every 3 months. When time comes she will be placed on transplant list. 

Again the Lord's timing is always perfect. So Thursday, after we met with the anesthesiologist we decided to check out resources in history of the male brothers. Check it out! During our walk, the Lord led us to a couple, Dave and Anna. Our time together praying, crying, fellowshipping, and sharing our journeys in this time we all recognize the Lord's timing and reminders are always perfect! As a caregiver it isn't easy! Journeys are not only about the patient, it's about the spouse and children too! We are so often overlooked and we get distracted with the things of this world. I explain it to people this way, it's like having a new baby, people are excited and all in, then they fall away. It hasn't been a walk in the park for any of us, so my heart goes out to Anna. Dave has been diagnosed with MS, and has been under the care of the Mayo Clinic for 5 years. 

As we sit back and reflect, God has been at some serious work, aligning and placing every detail period Thursday afternoon we met with Dr Trudy and his care team. The respect they had for the kids and I was unremarkable. We never felt rushed, and his time was our time. The care team here at Mayo, can do things that everyday hospitals and care personnel just don't do! So, let's talk about the next part of our journey and how amazing are God continues to be! As I continue to write, Lord help me to relay what's in store for Kenny and our family.

Fact: Kenny has Malignant Neoplasma of Pancreas Head, AKA Pancreatic Cancer. Due to the vascular mess involving the mass, there will never be margarines for surgery. Some might ask, why not the Whipple procedure well, he's never been a candidate, due to the vascular mess. With that being said, the mass cannot be removed and no surgery will ever give him adequate life. 

So now what? Well, we continue to thank the Lord!!! As the mass has developed, Kenny's body was forming new vessels to go around the occlusion in the superior mesenteric vein.....Yeah God!

We also know that if Kenny's Gastroduodenal Artery would have developed correctly in womb, he would be jaundiced due to the lack of to the pancreas. Yet, God had other plans. When looking at the picture Kenny's body developed in a way that the Right Gastroduodenal Artery goes right to the pancreas giving adequate blood.....Yeah God! 

On top of this, it's normal for the cancer to spread to the stomach, liver and the lungs, it hasn't!.....Yeah God!

Last but not least, we thank our Oncology team at St. Luke's hospital for jumping on treatment as quick as they did. We believe the treatments Kenny received prolonged his life.....Yeah God!

These four miracles were in writing long before we ever knew and God's plans are always greater than ours! For Kenny to be sitting here today, 18 months into his cancer journey, Dr Trudy said, "God has been at work!"....Yeah God!

The Goal: Adequate life with minimal pain! Due to the occlusion in the Superior Mesenteric Vein, Kenny will undergo Interventional Radiology Vascular Procedure, AKA stinting. The stint placed will help relieve pressure from the new vessels that have developed around the occlusion. This will take place March 25th 2024 at 11:00 a.m.

Once all test results are in and we have an understanding on how to proceed, there will be chemo and/or radiation. Goal, to what is currently growing. Kenny's pancreatic cancer cannot be cured and our journey will be ongoing to the Lord decides! 

We asked that you keep Theron and Jennifer along with Dave and Anna in your prayers. That the Lord opens doors for them to share their testimonies. 

The Mayo Clinic will continue to be part of our journey! We ask for continued prayers for the Lord's will to be done, or eyes to stay fixed on Him and the good He's doing, guidance, direction, rest, emotional healing, patience, the emotions of our children, counseling if needed, accommodations to me met for travel, safety, Drs, surgical team, nurses, insurance, and financial responsibilities, and whatever else I might be over looking! 

Thank you for standing with us in this fight! We love you all!

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Update #21

March 1st, 2024

You will NEVER receive anything yet transparency from me! Sitting here feeling overwhelmed! I know there is allot of thoughts and prayers being said for us! 

We are approaching the year and a half mark of the initial diagnosis, and it seems like it's been much longer! I wish I could tell you it's been a vacation, yet I'd be lying! My heart goes out to those who are going through any journey, and don't know the Lord! How do you do it?" My answer, "I can't, yet my Father can." 

I know that regardless of the outcome, the Lords plan is much BIGGER and Kenny will be with the Lord! Yet, our ultimate prayer is for complete healing!

Our dates have changed for Mayo. We will be departing, Monday March 18th with a return date of Saturday March 23rd. The work up is intense! We are a little over two weeks out, with no travel arranged! 

Side note.....

As most know, Kenny says, "I'm easing back into my work." Hum! As his family sits back and watches, he's dove 100% back in! I'm sure it feels good too be back, and that he's wanting to fill the role of provider. If the situation was different, it would be amazing! Yet, it's hurting in many ways. Continue to pray over this situation.

Thank you is not enough, for the gratitude our family feels from the support of ALL of you! 

Sending our love!

Update #20

February 20th, 2024

Spoke with Mayo Clinic today. Dates are extended! Departing Monday the 18th and hoping to head home on Saturday the 23rd. 

Update #19

February 19th, 2024

Thank you, Lord! As of Friday, February 16th Kenny has been excepted by the Mayo Clinic. As of now, we are scheduled for March 19th - 20th, with an arrival date of the 18th. We are so grateful for this opportunity, not only to get answers, yet to be a testimony to what the Lord has been doing! 

As this journey continues, life still has to happen! Freddy has been under observation, of an orthodontist, for the past year and a half. His cross bite, and jaw formation continues to be a concern. Today we have made the decision to move forward with a treatment, so as he continues to grow, he doesn't have a deformed jaw and bite, which can lead to other problems in the future. This is another overwhelming expense. 

As plans are being made and appointments approach,to take care of our son and my husband, the feeling is unexplainable. We ask for continued prayers, the Lord's will to be done, eyes to stay fixed, trust, our Faith to prevail, doctors, surgeons, care staff, discernment, rest, our kids and their care, everyday finances and responsibilities, ALL expenses that come with traveling. 

Thank you for standing with us! We love you ALL!!

Update #18

February 8th, 2024

Have you ever felt helpless? Not mad, angry, or bitter! Overwhelmed, we just had a visit with Kenny's oncologist. The Lord has a plan even when we can't see the end. Yet, we know Kenny will be healed in the end!

With peace, we ALL ( Oncologist, Primary Dr. and Us ) are in agreement to move forward with a referral to the Mayo Clinic. Communication has been made with Mayo. Kenny's case is as unique as he is and we need help. So much, over whelming, blank, not sure what to think or say. 

LORD, I'm crying out! Soooo much!

How? What does this look like? As the process comes together, continue praying for the Lord's will, eyes to stay fixed on Him, our children emotions, us, rest, peace, patients, stillness, discernment, direction, smoothness, surgical teams, doctors, nurses, insurance, financial arrangements, travel, safety, the care of our children, and every day needs to be met. 

As you ALL continue to stand in pray and petition, the Lord will meet these needs. Love to All!

Update #17

January 26th, 2024

‭Philippians‬ ‭4:6‭-‬7‬ ‭NIV‬

[6] Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. [7] And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

As we move into 2024, our Father continues to be faithful! As individuals continue to ask questions, my answer is, "I don't know, yet I know the Lord continues to work!" There will be an end, and ONLY God knows! 

As you know, Kenny had a biopsy on January 12th. Those results, are a carbon copy of September 2022, with extras. The mass has grown, and the main artery and vessel continues to be encapsulated. We also know that the mass is putting pressure on other surrounding veins, along with veins enlarging to make up for lack of flow.

Today, Kenny is in for another biopsy. This time they're going in more aggressively with sampling...........

Doctor meet with me. In house test are sounding like we will have a clear diagnosis! (Full results will come back next week) As my tears run, I'm great full for so much. The Lord has given me peace. 🥹 

Thank you, for standing with our family, as we continue to navigate this journey. We love you all!

Update #16

December 28th, 2023

As a wife, mother, and caregiver there is so much to this journey, that's so many don't understand! I've been silent, processing, and doing my best to list to the Lord!

Kenny's major biopsy was September 24th. Report from that, was there were no live malignant cancer cells. His oncologist was speechless, yet we still have a growth that's sitting in there creating problems. The Lord had me share with his Dr, " I'm the healer of the impossible, doer of the unexplainable". In short his doctor met with the cancer board to discuss a plan. ( Still unknown)

During this wait, about 5+ weeks ago, the Lord told me, "You have not morn, look!" At first, My response was,what! I haven't had time to let down over the last year and a half! Most of you don't know that on top of that, we've lost two fur babies in the last 10 months, due health complications. They were or babies before babies!🥹 I started to have emotions and feelings I couldn't explain....... And today those feelings were confirmed!!!!

While waiting, Kenny had his first scan after his biopsy on December 26th. We just got off the phone with the oncology department. They're wanting to do another biopsy, going into the stomach and over to the pancreas. Why would you ask? THE MASS HAS GROWN!!!! 

The tension is high in our house right now! I'm hearing the Lord say, hold on! I am thankful to have a Father that loves us! As this journey continues, my prayers are that we ALL continue to draw closer to Him. The Lord has used this journey in so many ways!

I ask that y'all continue to pray for the Lord's will to be done! For our eyes to stay fixed on the Lord, children, peace over our household, emotions, doctors, surgery staff, discernment, direction, confirmation, finances, and for needs to be met. I think each and every one of you for being patient with me as we process our next steps. We love you all and are very grateful for each and every one of you!

Update #15

October 10th, 2023

We had an appointment today with Kenny's oncologist, Dr Roth. 

The encouraging news is there is no sign it has spread! 🙏🙌 Our God is faithful and just. His timing is always perfect! 

We ask that everyone continues to be patient with us as we process information we receive, and test still need to be scheduled! This journey has been a blessing in so many ways, with the Lord's hands ALL over it! It's heavy in our house with emotions of knowing and unknowing right now! Thank you for the continued praying and support! We love you! 

Update #14

September 10th, 2023

There's so much to process. Friday we met with Dr. Wilkinson, who is with the Liver Biliary and Pancreatic Center from St. Luke's Hospital. According to Dr. Wilkinson the placement of the tumor is in a very dangerous and difficult place. It is putting tremendous pressure against the Superior Mesenteric Artery and Vein, which feeds nutrients into all the intestines. Our understanding, is that Dr. Wilkinson will explorer his abdomen, through liposcopic surgery, going in to retrieve biopsies of the pancreas. If biopsies cannot be retrieved orthoscopically, he will need to cut Kenny open, to be able to move internal organs out of the way to retrieve biopsy. Thus making it more dangerous. Kenny could be in the hospital anywhere from 2 to 4 days. He is currently scheduled for September 25th to have procedure. We are to check in with St Luke's on the plaza at 5: 30 AM and surgery should take place at 7: 30 AM. Kenny has expressed, that he is nervous, now understanding the real severity of the location. The Lord is never early, yet never late. As surgery day approaches, continue the Lord will be done, our eyes stay fixed on Him, surgical team, healing, direction, discernment, stillness, peace, trust, rest, help with our kids, and provisions. We thank everyone for standing with us through this journey! We love you all!

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Update #13

September 2nd, 2023

Please forgive me, I've been avoiding posting. Our journey is starting to seem never ending. We are all so exhausted on different levels, yet the Lord is never late with exactly what we need for the day! Since my last posting, Kenny's scan in June shows minimal change. As treatment continues, he struggle with neuropathy in both hands and feet. Dr pulled out one of the chemo drugs, added and adjusted some of this other medicines. Seem to help a little bit. It's so hard to sit back and watch the one you love struggle, mentally and physically. Kenny has such a desire to want to do things yet he can't! He's worn and cold, dresses like it's Autumn/Winter all the time. 

August, chemo drug was introduced back in and another scan was done. Scan showed no change. At our visit with Dr this past week, Dr has opted for a biopsy, and stop chemo altogether for right now. The cancer board agrees that with Kenny being on one of the harshest regimens for cancer for a year, why is there such minimal change. We are currently scheduled for a consultation on September 8th to discuss the orthoscopic procedure with biopsy. They will also be exploring around his abdomen to see if there's anything else going on. Time frame is looking to be somewhere between 4 to 6 weeks, to have consultation, surgery, and all testing back. The goal is to specifically see why there's such minimal shrinkage and find a regimen that can attack his specific growth. As we navigate this journey, continue to pray that our eyes stay fixed on the Lord, for The Lord's will to be done, surgeons, doctors, direction, discernment, help is placed where it needs to be, strength, rest, our children, school, Awana's, and provisions. I want to say THANK YOU for standing with us, helping us and all the continued prayers! 

Update #12

July 6th, 2023

You know, for two individuals that don't drink, this sure feels like a long hangover! I'm giggling with exhaustion, and grateful we are loved by an awesome Father! In short, after our second opinion with KU last week, we will not be making that change! As an assistant reminded me after the appointment..... The Lord is never early, yet never late! WOW, what a confirmation! After the appointment we had a follow-up with our current Oncologist. Dr. Roth was sooooo giddy!!! New scan results are nothing short of the work of the Lord! There is more shrinkage and now visible blood flow to the vessel that's encapsulated by the growth. Meaning it's putting less pressure on the vessel and artery. Yay God!! With continued swelling, tenderness and pain in Kenny's legs, Dr. is adding Lasix to help remove water and Cymbalta for the neuropathy. Both short term. At this time treatment will continue as is. It is wonderful to have an amazing Dr. like Roth and care team! As Dr. Roth makes his transition to St Luke's on the plaza, he wants to do everything he can to continue to be Kenny's provider, while still receiving infusions at the St. Luke's North location. We ask for continued prayers for the Lord's will to be done, strength, rest, direction, our children, and provisions. We love and thank you all for standing with us! 

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Update #11

June 15th, 2023

As we sit here waiting treatment today, I broke into tears....... I'm tired in so many ways and I can only imagine how Kenny feels! 

They warfare among our family is so heavy at times. Yet, I'll be damned at the enemy is going to win! Why? We know who is walking with us. Our God, ALWAYS has the final say!!!! Thankful for the opportunities the Lord give us to share our testimony, people he places along the way, the ease of the journey thus far, the growth the Lord is doing in us, provisions being met and Kenny being granted another day! As we are approaching another scan, June 26th, we have felt lead too get a second opinion. I have already started the process this week. Grateful for the ease KU has made this process. We are scheduled with KU, to see Dr. Kasi with the GI Oncologist group. Dr. Kasi is overseeing several studies and has a huge interest in pancreatic cancer. As we continue to navigate this journey, we ask for prayer. To keep our eyes focused on the works of the Lord, the Lord's direction and discernment, strength, our children, our family and provisions. Thank you too all who have stood with us and support. We love you all!

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Update #10

May 11th, 2023

God IS Good! Kenny had his scan last Thursday. As we wait today for treatment, Dr. just have good news. The news.... There is movement!!! It is shrinking!!! Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!!! As this time Kenny will continue treatment. In approximately 8 weeks, he will have another scan. If the scan continues to show changes, he will continue with treatments. We can't believe this journey started a year ago. As we sit in awe we are grateful to be able to share our testimony on a daily basis, the individuals we come in contact with, the friendships that are being made, the love of the Lord and others we get to experience! As we continue to navigate this journey, we ask for continued prayer over our children, Josephine, Freddy and Ryan as they continue to understand. To continue to see the works of the Lord, for Kenny's red blood counts to come up by next appt, grace and patience for each other, and rest and provisions to continue to be met. A BIG thank you and hug, to ALL that continue to navigate through this with us.
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Update #9

April 13th, 2023

Last week, the time had come too remove the rest of Kenny's hair. As the kids watched, my heart broke! The looks on their faces are of one you'll never forget! Reality has set in, daddy is sick. They struggle with the change. Today as we start the second round of Kenny's new chemotherapy, this is still all so unreal! At this time we will finish this round of treatment, 3 wks on and 1 off. During the off week, Kenny will have another scan. "IF" the scan shows no change, the Chemotherapy will be paused. At that time he will be scheduled for orthoscopic surgery to perform a more substantial biopsy, to find out how to target this Goliath! With the Chemotherapy change, Kenny has been present more mentally,and has been able to go outside with us for the first time and throw the ball with the boys! Thank you Jesus, for the sun shine! We continue too see the great things the Lord is doing through this journey! We ask for continued prayer for strength, grace, discernment and provisions. Much love and gratefulness to everyone!
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Update #8

March 8th, 2023

Update #7

March 8th, 2023

As we continue to navigate through this journey, we know the Lord has a plan! Kenny had his second scan on Monday, the finding are still the same, no change. We are grateful for that! 🙌 With that being said, as of today, through deep discussion, his  Chemotherapy regimen is changing. We will be coming in once a week for three weeks,  then one week off. This will be the regimen for at least four cycles. In between cycle three and four, he will have another scan. As this treatment starts, there are the possibility of new side effects, severe mouth sores clear to bum, breathing, nose bleeds, bruising, neuropathy, losing the rest of his hair and full body aches. Red blood counts will be monitored very closely!!!!  As I watch my husband, the anxiety is noticed!!! I ask for continued prayer for the Lord's will to be done, that the side effects are minimal or none, his weight to stay stable, discernment, direction, our children and provisions. We love each and everyone of you. Thanks to all of you for the continued support and prayer!

Update #6

February 22nd, 2023

For God's will to be done!

February 22nd, 2023

As the journey continues, Kenny is currently receiving his 10th treatment. We are grateful for the practice of medicine and how the Lord can use it. Yet, we know that our God is BIGGER than anything science can say. In the end, we know the Lord's will, will be done! Kenny is scheduled for his next scan on March 6th at 12:15 PM. As we continue to press on and trust in the Lord, we are grateful for ALL the provisions the Lord continues to provide! This journey has shown us the Lord's love in a completely, and humbling way. For those who don't know the Lord, my prayer is that through is journey, He reveals Himself to you in a way, that makes you hungry for more! HE, is the only way we are making it at so many levels. It still seems so unreal and yet funny at times. I'm grateful we can find humor and are able to laugh!!! Kenny continues to struggle with cold sensitivity and energy. His weight has finally stayed study, which is a huge blessing! We still have his pain and discomforts managed. At this time he is still unable to work. As our doctor reassured him, this is one of the most aggressive treatments for cancer and it's normal not to work! With the weather continue to change, we are hoping for warmer weather soon so that he can enjoy being outside with the family! We ask for continued prayer for healing, and our children, as their little minds continue to try and navigate dad's health. We thank each and everyone, for the continued prayer and support. We love you all!

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How Can We Not Worship

February 2nd, 2023

There are so many time I want to share and just don't know what exactly to say. For those who know my husband, know that WE are TRUE believers and followers of Jesus. We know who's walking with us, in front and behind us, His name is the Great I Am, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, Immanuel, Teacher, Messiah, Rock, Bread of Life, Savior, Servant, Lamb of God, Son of Man, Light of the World, Redeemer, The Amen, The Way, the Truth and The Life! 

Knowing this doesn't make this journey a walk in the park. It makes it easier!!!! The Lord had shown up in so many ways. From.... People loving on our kids, helping around the house, providing meals, groceries, house holds items, and financial support for medical, mortgage and utilities. We TRUST that they Lord is and will continue to use this journey for His glory and provided!!!!! As tears run, they are of gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness to each and everyone one of you! Thank you for standing in prayer and loving us!

Update #3

January 11th, 2023

Update #2

January 11th, 2023

Kenny had his first scan, Friday January 6th. Today he starts his 7th treatment. At this time, scan shows "no change", and we'll take that!!!! He will continue another 4 rounds of chemo, between 10th-11th treatment He will have another scan. In the scan, we are praying for shrinkage from the artery and vessel from the heart or it to dissolve completely! At the next scan, if there is still no change, chemo meds will be reevaluated and another 4 treatments will take place.

This journey still seems unreal! Our children are starting to understand that something is really wrong with daddy, and attitudes are on a whole other level. We continue to see the Lord work, and He gives US everything we need to get through the day. Thank you ALL for the continued prayers and support. Love you all!

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Our Journey

November 20th, 2022

May - Kenny had Sciatic nerve most of the month. After sciatic nerve was calmed down, he noticed there was pain in his torso.

June - He went to the doctor on the torso pain. Before he could have tests done, he tore his bicep. Delivering furniture to thrift store. Torso was placed on hold.

July - Kenny had surgery to reattach the bicep to his forearm. He could not use his right dominant arm for 12 weeks. Two weeks after surgery he was able to have tests done on his torso. They found that his gall bladder was non-functioning.

August - Kenny had surgery to remove the gall bladder. Shortly after surgery he was still complaining of torso pains. The doctor ordered a CT scan that was waiting insurance approval.

September - While waiting for the ok from insurance. His wife just happens to say at their church small group September 23rd “if we went to the ER, they would CT scan him because of just having the gall bladder surgery.” The next morning he hits the ground with extreme pain, and has to go to the ER. During the CT scan they did on him they found one large kidney stone, and that wasn’t all they found. The person reading the scan was very thorough in checking other areas of the torso. They found a mass on his pancreas. He was now being hospitalized. After going through kidney stone surgery and stent placement, they decided to keep him for pain management and more test on mass. After hospital transfer and further biopsies, the mass was considered Pancreatic Cancer. The cancer is sitting at the head of the pancreas and is involving the main artery and blood vessel from the heart.

October - Kenny has now started Chemotherapy treatments. October 2nd was first treatment, with treatments being every other week. He's currently in round three. These treatments completely wear him down, and the cold sensitivity increases eminceally, with a hard time staying warm.

After follow up from kidney stone, there are no other traces of stones! In his wife’s words, “This was the stone that God needed to find his Goliath”. The whole time God was allowing all these other obstacles to happen to get to this point. We are grateful for the findings and trust that God is going to use this story! We ask that everyone stands in prayer and petition for His will be done.

Thank you for all the support. We love you all!

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